i like lenshu3ng, boxshu and abd. all of those mods just feel right for me, i've played like 9k games of abd xd. im trying to branch off into striking now
Any kind of Aikido variation i guess. It is probably i play it a lot and i am more familiar with it than to other mod.
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by Nike View Post
Any kind of Aikido variation i guess. It is probably i play it a lot and i am more familiar with it than to other mod.

Same, I play aikido because when you create a lobby it's the first mod that you can play.
It's just an all around versatile, skill-based mod. There's no cheap moves its like a very tactical game of chess.
I like rk-mma
because of the 40 tf, 40 dq timeout and freedom of comebacks. dm treshold could be higher tho. But i find rk way better then lenshu
Pm me for deals
When i first started, joustingfast.tbh i was a fucking god at it and still am so 1v1 me thots
Now boxshu v5 since i think its just a great ass mod and very well made, and isnt abd