Ong, was a great person...
it will be hard to replace him, I was one of the ones that joined because of him =)

I just hope that the one that will take his place, can be good as him xD

I think if you invite someone, that person needs to be a good friend to you or to someone else in D-VII.
fl0w. Logo Designer, PM me.
/friendly invade
I'm only sad that I didn't had a chance to introduce OngBash and D-VII into Rift while he was around. It's tough to keep up with all clans, stuff, etc, can't manage to put ppl in it before some shit happens. Well...
Don't be sad about that. No one can predic those things =S

if you want to make a tribute to him, I think you can feel free to use his name as one of our members, because here or not he still in D7 =)