Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Kappo Then Fappo
Hello :0
About my nonexistent life
My name is Leviticus But you can call me levi.I have About the same life as a panda I wake up make myself a meals go on my computer for a few hours and then i go to bed or jerk off a little bit

how much of a no-life i am
I started playing in 2008 and played till i got black belt.Then i left the game till about 2011 then got my second dan black belt.Then i left for the Second time and come back this january and got my third dan black belt I have not been that active but i'm becoming more and more active i became inactive from not having an active clan and the game just started feeling lonely.I will likely be on whenever another clan member is on.

What mods i'm Good at
I have no idea how good i am at lenshu but i feel like i'm very good at movement in that mod and i don't like using rush openers in it.I'm quite good at aikido type mods but i have been rusty af but i'm slowly rusting off and feel like i know the mod very well i know kicking movements and how to win the grab game (i'm still getting used to looking at my grabs)My edge game needs some work also. (if someone want to help me with that.)

My history With Clans
I've co owned a clan called future That i got to rank 20.I've been in a clan called Apoc and help them get a Good rank like 3-4 i think and that's about it for Clans.I know a lot of the players in P they might know me by the name of recco.Also i have never left a living clan (all the clans i stated i was in are all dead)

What i can give you on a birthday
My skills in aikido can help win wars and make money for the clan bank.I can also be a good person to talk to about anything i love conversation and get lonely quickly.

Why I want Power to be my daddy
They have an active base of players that are not toxic and are good people to talk to and spar with to get better.All the active players are also very good players. (That are not little kids )

My recorded fights
World star removed my fights out of there database (I don't save replays)I also just think that the players skill level cant be shown much in a replay that they might of gotten lucky in.

P.S. I'm not very active on the forums posting wise but i lurk a lot and if i have to post something once in a while to be in the clan i will.
Hello all!

About me

I'd like to start off by introducing myself, my name is Casey and I'm 17 and currently a junior in high school.
I take many AP and Honor classes as well as going to the local community college for some freshmen college classes.
I am also the president of a organization called HOSA. It is a organization based around people that would like to become Future Health Professionals.
On that note, I would like to go to school for and become a cardiovascular surgeon.
My hobbies include brazilian jiu-jitsu, football, futbol, basically any sport I can get involved in. I spend most of my free time learning about computers and anything electronic.


With the Toribash side of things, I've been playing since 2011, but very on and off.
I just got back from a six month break because my computer died on me and I just now saved up enough money to build my own.
I have always been active ingame and on the forums, even with all of my small breaks I have 1.5 posts per day. I am almost up to 3000 posts as well. My GMT is -6 aka CST aka Central Standard Time.

Skills/Favorite mods

I love ABD. It is basically the only mod that I play other than some sparring here and there.
Other than my in-game prowess I don't have many other skills. I have ran clans before, so maybe my knowledge of clan management could be useful.

Previous clans/Who do I know in Power

I have been in and out of many clans in my six year span in Toribash. (Pyro), [OpT], and many others. A lot of the times my clans die off.
I have never been expelled from a clan due to anything other than activity reasons. I have been in multiple clans with Kratos before and I always got along well with him.

Why do I want to join Power

Playing toribash alone is terrible. Joining random lobbies and maybe doing a tournament here and there is lonely and boring. When you have clan mates around you the level in which you enjoy toribash skyrockets. When you have friends to play with the game gets 100 times better.
I would like to join Power because I would like to get to know ya'll and start enjoying toribash again. (plus I love wars and ya'll are 4th right now)


I just built this computer so I have no replays to show you. I am sorry for this, but if you want to see my in-game skill I am more than glad to find one of ya'll ingame and play a match or two.

Thank you all for reading my app and I appreciate the time you took to consider me. Have a great day!
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

This is my second application for [P] I made another application for [P] around 2 months ago.

About Me:

My name is Joel. I'm from New Orleans, LA or GMT -6 I'm 13 years old and in 8th grade. My hobbies include cooking, video games, basketball, baseball, and football and I balance my time between these hobbies. Cooking is a fun thing to do. I love to experiment with many different foods and see what kind of new crafts I can make. Cooking is also a skill that can always improve and is very useful. I love video games some of my earlier memories include me on the PS3 or Xbox 360 playing with my brother, gaming to me is kind of my alter ego. I love sports preferably basketball, football, and baseball. I go outside frequently playing these sports. For me playing sports relieves my stress if I am having a bad day.

In-Game Info:

I am a 2nd dan black belt currently and my QI is around the 2500s. I usually play every day, out of 10 I would rate my activity a 8.5 or 9. I have been playing Toribash for around 7 months now and I absolutely love this game <3. Something I like to do on Toribash is experiment with joints and deeper understand the uses of the joints. I love playing the mods: Aikido, ABD, Greykido, Mushu, Boxshu Mushu, Lenshu, and last but not least PendelumJumper ,but out of all of these mods I do best in ABD or Aikido.

What [P]ower should know about me:

I am dedicated to becoming a better player and clan member in Toribash. I look forward to getting to know [P]ower better and become better friends with the ones I already know. I would like to participate in [P]ower wars, challenges, etc.

That is my [P]ower application. Thank you if you read this far and once again I look forward to knowing y'all better.

I left some replays:
Attached Files
vs HLPMEPLZ.rpl (74.2 KB, 3 views)
vs headles.rpl (79.2 KB, 3 views)
vs DashieR.rpl (74.0 KB, 3 views)
vs Boxspring.rpl (79.1 KB, 3 views)
vs Puncher.rpl (72.0 KB, 3 views)

i'm sorry but you're denied. Pm leaders for more details
Last edited by Reno; Mar 6, 2017 at 04:55 AM. Reason: nice parrot
Well, to start off, my name is Fox. Yes, it is my real name. I wasn't allowed 3 letters so I went with my favorite animal, Parrot. I've been playing ToriBash for around 6 or so years, give or take one. This is not my first account, but I've used it since 2012.

Here is a bit of my history with clans. It's quite erratic, because I've been around so long, but please stick with me. The following is not all of my clans I've been in, but the highlights, if you will.

I was a member of (Apex) back in its prime, I created [Crooks] with Xastle and Manta, and we broke a few records with it. (Fastest Official Clan, Fastest clan to reach the top 10 or 5). I joined (Lotus) when it was first made and took that clan up the ranks. I was then invited into [u], which I took up. There are quite a few more clans, but it is pretty irrelevant at this point.

All of the clans that I've joined, and took seriously, rose through the ranks. I intend to assist Power do the same. Not only do I feel like I would be an amazing player to have on my side during wars, I'm also a light hearted player. I love to constantly analyze my gameplay to see where I went wrong, and I love breaking down my opponents moves to see how to counter it the next time.

I believe I would be an excellent addition to Power, and I hope you think the same.

i miss you ocean
Hello again. Last app was pathetic, so I'm making a new one for you guys.

My name is Fox, and I live in the UTC time zone. I've been playing Toribash for years, and I want to continuously improve my skills. I want to become the best there is, and the best there ever will be. This is one of the reasons behind why I wish to join Power. Joining Power will allow me to get the opportunity to analyze different play styles, and how to effectively counter them. The best part, is that I'd be helping a clan rise through the ranks quickly.

I'm a warring machine. I love Wars, and I love playing in them. It's not as big of a rush as dueling is, but it's up there. The feeling of having people rely on you, and watching you play is exhilarating. My play style is unique in the way that it's different from everyone else's. I think it's because I primarily want a challenge, so I won't push too hard unless I need to in order to win. I'm pretty weird; I wish for a challenge because I find Toribash boring and dull without it. It's sometimes bad because I can find myself intentionally putting myself in bad situations just so I can find a way out of them.

As for clans, I've been in tons. I've mainly left them because they become inactive, and pointless. Here is a list of some off the top of my head:

I am
Plus a few more that I can't remember the names to.

Quite the list, but most of these ended up not being fulfilling enough for me. I need a steady supply of games and wars to keep myself busy, and to allow myself to get better. Of course, benefitting myself isn't the only reason I wish to join. I like Power, more specifically the people in it. I want to help this clan reach the top, and if I'm accepted, I know we can do it sooner than later. We all have things to teach each other, and I've got my own share of things to teach.

I believe that I would be a valuable asset to have in Power. Not only do I think that together we can take it to the very top, but I also believe that was can go down as one of the greatest clans that this game has ever seen.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, I look forward to your response.

i miss you ocean