Originally Posted by Marci6

Found a guy called Woof

he amde a duel server in abd mod, 2k duels, i purposely played like a nub dqed myself and lost 2 times, made him think im a piece of shit.

I offered him to go higher,
Abd his master beard vs my 130k ( ye master beard doesnt even worth 130k but this is the key to let him accept the deal)
Won him 3-0

Lifting is a gay way to play, I tried to play fair every match and you kept lifting like a noob.

Anyways, I duel because I am saving up for things like full joint textures and fun, I haven't lost very many duels when I do it's because of gay players such as Marci6 who lift and shovel, I can counter it, yes, but when you're a high as belt as Marci6 you shouldn't be lifting, play fair and try to be a good sport, that's what I do but people want to play gay and stuff.
Yesterday i duled holo and won 2 matches cuz of 2 knee fracs.He said 'wow too lucky' and DM'd my arm with a kick.Next match i lift this scrub out of ring and he said 'WOW REALLY YOU ARE SO GAY FAGIT'.
My zoo:Vog-dog,kat-cat,Matt76-brother,tman-tbitch,iRookie-lesbian,RKG-erky,brigada-bitch-X.
Dueling is skill based gambling, meaning you are the deciding factor of whether or not you will win or lose. If you're not prepared to lose what you're dueling for, or to counter what you consider "gay play" then you shouldn't be dueling.

Gay play is just a generalization for moves that are difficult to counter. You're supposed to try your best to win a duel, so why is it socially unacceptable to use certain moves? You have every right to lift, shovel, leg grab, run, skeet, or point hold your opponent, especially if they are unable to defeat you despite it.
Last edited by sirl; Aug 19, 2014 at 10:37 PM.
The problem with duelling is that people you have a high chance of beating will either be clever enough not to duel for much or will probably already have lost most of their tc by duelling people who can beat them easily. If someone you have not played against on a server challenges you to a duel there is a decent chance they know what they are doing and will win. I haven't duelled properly since around blue belt, I don't know if this is the result or the cause of my current lack of tc compared to other players of my level but I am pretty happy playing with no risk of losing all my money.

Thank you for reading, don't do duels kids.
Good morning sweet princess
I'm sure someone has said this before me but i'm too lazy to go back and check :P Don't duel people you most likely will lose to.
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Originally Posted by zhuyuan View Post
Just duelled rot3x . pinged first frame and he didn't even send back the full 5k back ;/

No offense Zhu but this has kinda turned into a whining thread Every time you lose a duel you post here with a reason for your loss(Which are mostly valid reasons but still)
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