Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Lust View Post
is that a dog or what

you will be surprise on how many neighbors have pets on my street the dogs there's but she's harmless
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
DAY 31 & 32

the a/c guys showed up another part of the thing is broken so they will come back Wednesday (wtf?) I am going to a family reunion in Hollywood (not in california). I checked in the replay thread and the news I am not selected once again (like usual) I watched wwe for the draft and it looked stupid so I changed the channel apparently TV doesn't have anything good on like it did 9 years ago...oh well at least I have movies.This game is addicting I can't stop playing it on my tablet ( I guess you wondered why I am not posting frequently.) it's too much fun (vague af).Why do games have the same aspects of (LOL)? I've seen a couple of games on steam that is presented on toribash and other forums I visit everyday that look futureristic and has stupid mechanics on a 2D side scroller every developer is inspired by LOL so what do they do ripoff the whole landscape call it a different name create different characters with similar powers as blah blah blah and POW new game i'm sick of that shit.jinje was upset as usual when I came to a server (honestly if I ask the whole community about my server everybody would of known by now what I do.)jinje was threatning me about my server but honestly I don't give two damns.jinje was trying to troll me awhile back so I kicked him (like I do everybody) and so he was lowkey asking questions and causing scenes in sparring lobbies at the time so he asks me "are you still mad about me trolling you bg?" I never get mad unless i'm playing call of duty or taking my emotions out on school so trolling me on toribash is the last thing that gets me mad (unless I don't have power in the server i'm fine)
he was asking me pretty obvious questions that I have the OBVIOUS answers for he also ask this question:"why are you so sensitive" and my answers is 100% true "i am sensitive regardless of what I play" he now knew why I keep doing it and still knows.I just notice that we have 420 members online SMOKE WEED EVERYDAY! (don't do drugs kids).

I can't help to feel like I am missing something.
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
You are missing day 33 D:
Also it was not so clear where the second day started.

that was meant for both of those days speaking of day 33

DAY 33

I went to a family reunion the other day which lead to a haircut which also lead to me hopping in the shower with three cases of shampoo and conditioners. I couldn't sleep because I read something that prevents you from itching and that's not sleeping. I don't know if this is true or not but I tried it but still I needed to hop in the shower the moment I start to itch or in which case see dandruff/flakes forming.my dad is a license's barber so he's the one cutting my hair nowadays he also knows that I need as much stuff to prevent my itching as possible so he put's grease every time were done with my cutting of my hair (I didn't know how to rephrase it).I honestly don't know if toribash is my thing anymore 129 members continue to play this game and honestly I know there alts. I have a big problem with alts and I have a big problem with annoying figures trying to clean there slate when we already know you fucked up on a different account and trying to forget everything that has transpired in that persona(TRUST ME YOU DON'T DOOP ME IN TO THINKING YOUR THE GOOD GUY HERE). This is the reason why we can't have nice things. I don't like how people brag about blah blah clan because blah blah sucks opinion's are invalid based upon idiotic statements if you don't have reasons for it being bad then don't say nothing at all in fact since about 40% of the toribash members are gentle-hearted nobody says anything in public anymore but they say everything in private chats,discussions,or calls (maybe in podcast's you never know).just say it to their face and get it over with.if there response is negative or positive don't give fucks about it it helps them become even more of a legendary clan.
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
I bet you didn't expect me to do this...


Towards the end of my summer I've been watching YouTube videos for the rest of my life again I don't tend to join my friends outside recently then again it was hot at the time. Towards the end of summer and towards the first day of school my impressions about it were the same impressions as I had when moving to another place in another school. I didn't know what to expect after a school closed down early in the summer and moving the kids to other schools. Turns out that it was fine.....until the room was flooded with everybody in the gymnasium. The classes I now have that HAD good impressions seems to be what I despise the most. It seemed simple but as I progress I grew more and more uninterested Second period same as the 1st...there shouldn't be a explanation about it so I'm moving along....3rd period is the LONGEST PERIOD EVER but then again lunch is between it tbh that's the best class out of this whole building. We do absolutely easy work and also don't do anything but be on are electronic devices.4th period was miserable..... you expected me to say anything positive? (hell no) just glad I'm getting home away from a bunch of freshmen,3 sophomores, and 1 junior. I had to evaluate people in some ways just by standing and talking with them, I know there is a certain motive or stereotype about how annoying freshmen are.(If you surveyed 100 or 1000 people what would be there answer about this question?) Truth is not all of them are bad but most of them are. I met some good freshmen for a couple of months since my class of my grade are stubborn like most people (don't get me wrong I don't have a problem with you unless you become a huge dick to me and ONLY me.) they were strange at first but then we got to know each one another.one guy in particular was in the same grade as me and he reminded me of some Latino friends I had before I use to live in a house. He was a cool dude to bad he had to move so soon. Then again I had others and they were cool too. Still today, there was good times in the classroom but it wasn't the same. Few months have passed and since Christmas was on the horizon I got a iPad,a watch, a glass cleaner for my tablet,clothes and some gift cards.i don't know what's in store for 2017 but it better be better than the last 2 years combined.

Ok I know I didn't say much about current events and stuff and I may have not mention some stuff so this may kind of be vague but nothing was really interesting. Unless movies count then none of them were better than GET HARD if that is not comedy nothing is.

......Donald Trump is president.......I'll wait.

I'm doing this monthly btw just to keep my kid years alive.
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
Originally Posted by Oxide View Post
but ur in back flips


my will is there, my body is here
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
January 2017

Ok so maybe this was not the best month of this year since everybody was getting accustom to 2017. That being said I was wondering what I could do in this month and booooooooooiii it was a lot of shit.Teachers were handing out essays for weeks now and I'm getting exhausted.As of now things start to get calmer as the year progresses so peaceful yet boring. Resident Evil 7 came out and I was watching nonstop markiplier for the past 2 weeks. If that game was scary when it came out imagine outlast. Jesus......
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719