Originally Posted by Rutzor View Post
Give your computer away.

I see you changing your Nick in IRC from one game to the other, pretty much all day long.
Without a computer, you will have no other choice but to do something more productive.
and what those guys above me said

Smart choice that would be.
It should be hard, but it will get you out of dipshit and oh, well.
You might find a job, even you could clean your house, or atleast calm down in front of your parents.
At least then, assuming you have a job, you could pay your rent and then buy another computer. At this time you'd be in a working routine, relising the value of money and actually start caring.
Show a bro some love.
Or you could sell your computer for the money you need, back everything up, make rights with your parents, and get a job to buy a new comp.
Apply to be a ChaCha guide! You get paid to answer questions that people text to ChaCha(242-242) with their phone. Depending on what role you choose, you get 1 cents a question and allot of quick answer questions, or 8 cents a question and difficult research questions. Really easy shit.
It seems we are alike, luckily my parents would never kick me out.
The only way you are going to get your life on track is by going out and doing it, realising that it's the only way to go and you are eventually going to have to take responsibility so you may as well start while IT'S VITAL FOR YOUR SURVIVAL.
Maybe you shouldn't spend as much time as you do on the computer. Got any friends? Got any friends willing to let you stay at their place?

Maybe you should just get a job at a McDonalds or somewhere like that. Of course you gotta quit within at least a month, but 'y know, just to get you off your feet with some change in your pocket.

Or you can beg for forgiveness from your parents, dunno how much dignity you have left at this point.
For your first touch you could sell TC for money, but it'll be too small...
You can become a librarian, LOL. They give you big money, and you'll just work in front of the computer waiting for someone to buy a book, sneak and play toribash. Perfect for your I don't care attitude. Just saying though...
not dead
Show your parents you're actually trying to go out and get money and etc, I bet you then they'll be more lenient on how long you stay. Luckily my parents would never kick me out either, and my step brother is still here and hes like 20 now!

Just think of all the old fat guys that live in their mother's basement, do you really want to be like that? And dont think that's not what would happen to you, because it will, you'll keep saying oh I'll move out tomorrow, do it later, etc, and then the next thing you know it, you're a 50 year old man with cheese puff stains on his keyboard and mouse living in his mom's basement. THIS IS NOT THE LIFE YOU WANT.
Luckily you can find a job, but here in greece is fucked up.
I completely searched the city for jobs and no one is looking for someone.
Due to that fucking economy crysis, i hate germany.