Re: Decapitation speed record
It probably doesn't have anything to do with speed. I have to imagine it's something about our single frame advancement and replaying and re-editing a lot. Possibly some combination of single frame advancing outside of edit mode, and doing it in edit mode. I know you can make replays kind of spaz out if you hit shift+p a bunch of times in edit mode and then go back to normal frame advancement.

Hampa's probably got a better idea since he wrote/has access to the source code.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
Re: Decapitation speed record
The last release has some shift-p problems.

I was fixing stuff for the 12 frame decap competition and broke something else.

This 11 frame decap is legit and I announcing it official.

So who is first to say that "10 frame decap is impossible"?
Re: Decapitation speed record
10 Frame decap is NOT impossible :O i just did it 0_0 Who is the record holder now? ^^
Attached Files
10framedecap.rpl (18.2 KB, 25 views)
Re: Decapitation speed record
guys, if u press r to replay then p for pause real fast u can get it to 101 or 15001
Re: Decapitation speed record
Looks like the same sort of frameskip problem between 1496 and 1495 that invalidated my first submission, Eld.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."