Original Post
4.2 beta 3
Win -

New in beta 3:
Texture loading:
- fixed textures not loading properly with /lp
- fixed slow texture loading between matches
- fixed inverted abs drawing
- fixed loading modmaker gamerule
- changed moving object by mouse to require select first instead of instant move
- fixed reset, copy, paste param
- added modmaker window translucency in misc
- fixed trigger checkbox state
- changed env and body tab behavior
- added prevention from exporting 0 match frames and reaction time
- fixed reflection drawn without textures
- fixed mod maker copy, paste, reset param
- fixed reflected object drawing above surface
- fixed mod maker label typo, prevent double click on mod editor to spawn object
- added better resolution detection on no config file

New in 4.2
New ingame music:
/music status - info about current playlist/track
/music queue - list tracks in queue
/music list username - list custom/username tracks
/music normal|repeat|random - control what track is played next
/music play custom/tori/track1.ogg - play a specific track
/music play tori - play all tracks from custom/tori
/music volume [0-128] - set music volume
/music start|stop|pause|resume|next|prev

Mod maker fixes:
-added copy ability
-camera mode to mod maker
-fixed 0 frame game rule on export
-added player exported mod directory

Bug fixes:
- optimized compatibility for graphics modes
- fixed alpha env obj drawing with ghost basic render
- faster loading of customs (big textures)

- music is for your ears only
- even if you upload .wav it is converted to .ogg (I have no plans of supporting .mp3 due to licensing issues)

if the graphics lag please post your specs (Windows version and graphics card)
Last edited by hampa; Oct 16, 2012 at 10:38 AM.
Yay no more lag good job hampa
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
Originally Posted by Deuteria View Post
Are there fixed file size limits for the .wav 'tracks?' Have been unable to upload a file of 9Mb onto the music item. May just be my method or may be that the upload timed out each time. Any thoughts?

Convert it to .ogg first then upload.
well i have problems of downloading this beta, it gives me error, i hope you finish this version soon. i'm excited
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Originally Posted by hampa
Convert it to .ogg first then upload.

Have done that, but once 100% upload is reached the page refreshes and no file shows up on the item. Unable to press 'play' or 'un-mute' but can update track info (title), and a link to the track appears (leading to a blank/void destination.)
Originally Posted by Deuteria View Post
Have done that, but once 100% upload is reached the page refreshes and no file shows up on the item. Unable to press 'play' or 'un-mute' but can update track info (title), and a link to the track appears (leading to a blank/void destination.)

Exactly the same happened to me. I even shortened my clip to 30 seconds long, still doesn't work.
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