Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I seen lot(a?) of them. they may not be so visible this days, but they are here, and were active at some point. It's more strange why u dont see them, than why they are less visible on close to Christmas period. They are here. Tho extremely noobish for a official clan, but that's other thing. There are other people to decide that and if clan is dead, right? >:/.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
Guys who honestly gives a crap if they are few? If they are pure n00bage they will die in time, or they will rise and grow stronger. Stop being so damn negative.
A Man Of The World...
*sigh* I hate being the burden of bad news but i believe Legendary Ninja yeah who gives a crap if we are few in numbers The Sun wasnt born in 1 day you know it takes time. And Time is plenty at the moment. All this negative ness towards Lota has drived me to extreme measures..

If You dont have anything NICE to SAY DONT say ANYTHING AT ALL!!

I Bet Most of all the better clans started out being small and not getting much members

But In time it grew. You Dont expect for 1 clan to get 100000000000000 members in less then a day it takes time Sheez

I bet even Mad,Torigods, RelaxAll Even Inq Toxic triforce and all of the other official clans were once small and not able to get Members at 1 time.

Rome wasnt built in a day As for all your negativo goer's give Us time i bet you all were once in a small clan that didnt get any members think about when some of the older clans just started they were low on members god..

That end my post
Sad to say but I'm back.
they were, but that was when they were not official

also. MAD has 3 members if I remember correctly
Originally Posted by Yosaku View Post
WOAH, i saw a lota member yesterday!!

Do you think you've seen a LotA??

Contact your local newspaper for sightings, and remember, if you get it on tape you could get it in cash. (Or something that's not stolen from AFV.)
I saw lots of LOTA members.
Like Brianwrenn, hes a funny one.
Leave them alone, its holiday time and yeh.
At once, all clans had to start somewhere.