(continued; I broke it up because I went over the character limit)


Guru of Insanity, exemplifying mastery of unorthodox maneuvers.

Known as Spaz to some, he demonstrates catastrophic techniques upon anyone he can and whenever he can. He will often get so into a battle he will step outside the void of reason and step into an inner realm of… insanity. At this point he will do anything to win, regardless of the consequences. He has been known to utterly destroy people whilst performing his suicidal dance, and often brings himself within mere inches of a gruesome death, just to come back and win. Spaz enjoys close calls with disqualifications, flying limbs, break dancing (both solo and with a partner), long walks on the beach, Pina Coladas, and dancing in the rain. A true threat to any enemy (and even allies in some cases).
No profile at this time.

No profile at this time.

No profile at this time.

No profile at this time.


Guru of Power, exemplifying mastery of brutal offensive attacks.

A mighty and skilled warrior whose brute strength can near effortlessly crush his enemies. His strength was obtained through daily rigorous training that pushed his physical being to its limits and beyond. Due in part to his near unmatched strength Alex is strongly focused on offence over defense in battle. Instead of needlessly biding his time he takes full advantage of his raw might and focuses on defeating his challenger before they even have the chance to fight back. In order to bring down the opponent in this fashion Alex relies on his wide knowledge and mastery of offensive fighting techniques. One such example of his many attacks involves literally ripping the opponent apart; not barbarically as you would be led to believe but instead strategically in a quick and effective manner. However, his most known and used attack is his feared “double kick” technique which has always proven to be fatal when it connects (often before the second kick even lands). Yet, despite his power and ability to destroy, he devotes most of his time to aiding his fellow Gurus.

One day his drive for power led him away from the ranks of the Gurus. He longed for power beyond its physical limitations... he wished to rule a nation.

no profile at this time.

no profile at this time.

no profile at this time.

no profile at this time.


Guru of Sound Thought, exemplifying understanding of life’s harmony.

An artisan physically, emotionally, and spiritually in tune with the world around him. Rather then focusing his mind on the ever-arising insignificant disputes of mankind,
Psy-T instead dedicates his time better understanding the harmony of nature; creating moving musical works as a result.

Although he is opposed to conflict and would rather seek out peaceful solutions, Psy-T knows that warfare and combat will commonly take place when two sides are unable to reach a compromise. So when he is not engaged in composition, he instead trains for battle.

While in battle he fights tactically as though playing a game chess, choosing his next move carefully and reading his opponent. Instead of senselessly attacking his opponent at full force, he takes a much more relaxed and evasive approach. His receptive nature allows him to quickly break down the surrounding environment and use it to his full advantage; he is virtually unlimited to where he can fight as a result (though he prefers the constraints of dojos in order to have minimal interference). Due to his mastered ability to hear and see the rhythms of life… he can also effectively fight based on sound alone without being hindered in the slightest.

"Adversus Solem Ne Loquitor"… Don't speak against the sun; these are the words he lives by.
no profile at this time.
Last edited by lancer_c; Oct 20, 2007 at 12:06 AM.