Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Clan name: [Fish]
Why you want to be an ally: We already know some of you guys...
Why should we pick you to be an ally: You already know half my clan. So we may as well be allies.
Demie ~ Yes (maybe you should write "why, and what will you bring to this clan" thingy)
Fish ~ Yes

My vote don't count tho XD
not dead
Can I be on the individual allies? xD heh.

Clan name/Individual name: Reekondub [Reekon]
Why you want to be an ally: 'Cause this clan is awesome and so on, and the board is well organized. I think it can benefit me and you, I can be active in this, and stuff.
Why should we pick you to be an ally: 'Cause MFR is allies with you, and I was co-leader of it. I know you and stuff. You get the point :3
I would delete that post and say you didn't and be ninja like that, but I iz nice
soz I givz it a yuppy yup yuppy =P