Who or what is frodo? Btw I had an overall soap fetish when I was younger. So yeah especially soap powder.
I used to cover everything I ate with a mixture of Ketchup, and Barbeque sauce.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Originally Posted by shooter190 View Post
In seventh, I blew myself.

(It's not gay. It's masturbation.)

Le Fuck??

WEll since I was a very normal kid, nothing special about me never did abnormal shit didn't really stick out, I haven't really did anything nasty but what I do renee is that in computer class in 6th grade, I used to play pr0n games with my friend next to me

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
I used to draw on things with permanent marker when given the chance.

I also used to get those little containers of sauce you get with things you're supposed to dip in them, and dig the sauce out with my finger and eat it.
My favourite was bbq sauce.
Used to shove my face in birthday cakes :3
Last edited by Gymbash; Feb 6, 2012 at 02:09 PM.
I hate living in Texas -_-
Why the hell were you guys blowing yourselves? That is some messed up ****

My thing was nose picking (like a baws)
Originally Posted by Zazo View Post
What are they?

As a kid I used to lay there and just hump the shit out my couch.

but that is pretty much it.
I used to eat the play-dough.

I used to eat the glue.

I would write my name on everything (hence why I now do graffiti, bad habit turned to...well good for me, bad for the haters/po-po).

I picked my nose till it bled....eeeeevery time (and still do sometimes)

Not so much a habit, but as a kid, I would cry at the slightest bit of pain. Grew out of that through skating. You can't really bail a trick down a set and then start crying...I mean, I am an image whore.

I used to blow bubbles with my mouth constantly. (I still sometimes do eighteen. haha)
Playing with myself (Hehe) in public. (With pants on. It is hard to describe but I managed to ejaculate)

user infracted for vulgar post
Last edited by BenDover; Feb 6, 2012 at 02:06 PM.
Dose is dead.