lol I've seen this, and I'm putting a stop to it, fuckers plan to hack Vend3rs acc and attempt to take over the TB forums, and in actuality, veb knew what he was doing, you guys , stop acting like fags and grow up.
<FeD> i will allow my ass being raped
Originally Posted by srrwb View Post
lol I've seen this, and I'm putting a stop to it, fuckers plan to hack Vend3rs acc and attempt to take over the TB forums, and in actuality, veb knew what he was doing, you guys , stop acting like fags and grow up.

Originally Posted by spasticm View Post
its because tey like us better than you

does it make you jealous

you came first but we're the favorite

it is a sad fact that you both are indeed very wrong.
oh ok then, long as it isn't some faggy plan, yknow like there was on the forums,which began with this exact kind of thread, yknow the kind of plan that I could copy from the forums and paste here before you moved them, like fags.
<FeD> i will allow my ass being raped
This drama comes out of nowhere, and its gonna disturb the TB community.

Hampa, veb, come out of the shadows.
Arisen from the dead.
Their grand plan.

"Jim is busy cracking vend3r's account. From there, we will ban all the goons. but ill get to that later.
To start, we must all get new names and change our IPs. Mine is The_Crasher, but that is coming later. We are pulling an Agent J and have decided to call ourselves The BASHERS. We are another branch of the brotherhood. We are going to make ourselves known by posting a thread saying that "The end of the beggining is near...", causing a HUGE conterversy like Agent J. While they are in that...
panic, we activate operation GTFO, which starts with the destroying of the GOON servers, using a script I made that can crash a server. Go to Lua scripts to see more about that. Once their servers are fucked up, they are going to get pissed off and annoy veb. right when this happens, their leader, v3nder, will somehow change sides and ban all the goons, which will result in veb banning...
him. Why would vend3r do this? Because I, porcupineJim, and a few other people are hacking his account. once seized, we will change his password and email, and then continue using his account acting like v3ndor, then, however, we will post a thread with him saying, "wait...why the hell are we doing this? we are pretty fucking stupid, we had no motive at all!" we will then promptly delete...
the accounts of all the goons and change everything about them so as they can never come back. then, we will infract veb THOUSANDS of times, and as a result temporarily suspend him, giving us some time. While banned, we will try to instill a second suspension, one that lasts 666 years! This will keep him VERY busy. While we then control the forum, using whats left of vend3r, we will make...
all of our members mods. then we will control the forum! After that, we will return peace to the forum and return it to its original state. Finally, before anything else happens, we disappear........
It took me, diltoriya, porcupinejim, and a bunch of other peoples whose names slip my mind several hours to think this up."

Nice. This looks like a dandy plan. How many hours did this shit take for you to cook up?
Last edited by dalir; Jul 26, 2008 at 05:57 AM.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
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