Google's Answer:
Passive-aggressive behavior is dealing with expectations in interpersonal or occupational situations in an obstructionist or hostile manner that indicates aggression, or, in more general terms, expressing aggression in non-assertive (i.e. passive or indirect) ways. It can be seen in some cases as a personality trait or disorder marked by a pervasive pattern of negative attitudes and passive, usually disavowed, resistance in interpersonal or occupational situations.
Passive aggressive behavior should not be confused with passive resistance (also called conscientious objection). In conflict theory and Marxist philosophy, passive resistance is a rational response to demands that may simply be disagreed with, for example if intended to exploit the individual, and yet where there is no possible or legitimate means of active resistance. It has also been noted that passive resistance has a dignified history, including Irish dissidents, Quakers and Gandhi. Passive-aggressive behavior should also not be confused with covert aggression, which consists of deliberate, active, but carefully veiled hostile acts and is distinctively different in character from the non-assertive style of passive aggression.
Passive aggressive behavior can manifest itself as learned helplessness, procrastination, hostility masquerading as jokes, stubbornness, resentment, sullenness, or deliberate/repeated failure to accomplish requested tasks for which one is (often explicitly) responsible.
Google says your wrong, the video that Hero posted? The kids were expressing their aggression in a hostile and intimidating way. But close, or maybe I just read it wrong.

Edit: Well poop, maybe you are right. Here's my apology.
Last edited by Frost-Dragon; Jul 1, 2012 at 01:25 AM.
[10:19] <~Tim> Why the fuck not, I'm insane :D
[12:06] <~Tim> Frost-Dragon: I bet you're sexy
Yeah, i saw this vid a couple of days ago.
Can't fucking believe the ignorant whorekids today.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
what the fuck children

I thought i'd had the worst that children of that age could offer, but this is just low and despicable. Tormenting elderly people like that is just plain wrong, and if given the chance, i would GLADLY kick them in their wretched little faces with the soles of my hiking boots, then subsequently display the marks to their parents, along with a proud exclamation of "look what happened to your children because they were acting like intolerable fuckwads". I've been subjected to extensive bullying in my even younger years (well i'm only 20 now, still pretty young), i'm all too aware of how it feels, and i STILL have some burning hatred left for a select few individuals. (and Frost-Dragon, i must commend you on being able to man up and apologize)

A different matter, however, is the reaction the video gathered from the world. As much as those kids destroy faith in humanity, the reactions are just downright heartwarming. Perhaps a tiny bit exaggerated, but that's a good thing.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
What the hell is wrong with those kids? Oh my god, this video really just pissed me the hell off. I mean seriously, where is the respect? Could the driver of the bus not hear any of that? Were there no other adults on the bus? How dare those children treat an elderly person like that. It's complete bullshit. I hope that those kids parents see the video and ship them away to some boarding school. I know that if I was caught talking to someone like that, my Dad would kick my ass. Society today is all fucked up with kids acting like this. I would hate to see where they end up when they are adults, because that disrespect will get them in trouble somewhere along the way. By the way, the kids seemed to be between the ages of 12-15. Gahh kids these days just don't know how to treat people. This was just low... tormenting an elderly woman, and laughing when she is brought to tears? What the fuck. I have never seen someone be that horrible to another person for absolutely no reason at all. If I ever got the chance I would kick every one of their little asses for treating someone like that. They are hateful human beings and I hope they realize the wrong they have done some day, and feel like shit about it.
Last edited by Gymbash; Jul 2, 2012 at 03:06 PM.
I hate living in Texas -_-
I didn't even watch it to the end, at the point of the video reaching 1 minute and 16 second, i felt disgusted of what kids have become these days.
They don't know how it feels like when they are being thrown insults at for no reason.
When they get as old as this poor woman, i pray that the experience the same that this poor old woman did.
I also feel that the punishment they got was not harsh enough, being suspended from school and barred from public transportation isn't nearly the punishment i would have given them.
I just realised I have the stupidest name in the forum
Originally Posted by TheCobra View Post
I think they are in the age 11 - 13
Because older people are more mature than this i guess.
I would totaly go to them and tell them to leave the young lady allone and if they just say one more word to her i would totaly punch their faces. Not because i love elder chicks but because i respect older people and know that they arent as strong to defend themselves as in their younger years. Stay respectfull kids!

I think that the 11-13 are pretty respectful, but the 14-18 are just crazy.

They got huge egos and do anything to look cool in front of their fake friends :s
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
fucking pricks
I've been bullied like that in the past, it's not fucking nice
It seems that respect is obsolete for them. those kids are complete bullshit and I would pay to stick a skateboard up their ass
Besides, the punishment they got was pityful. Suspending them from school? They're gonna do the same shit again when they get back to school
oh yeah
Originally Posted by MrJingles1 View Post
I think that the 11-13 are pretty respectful, but the 14-18 are just crazy.

They got huge egos and do anything to look cool in front of their fake friends :s

yeah your right, i guess the kids between 14 - 16 are the crazy ones.

But i guess the ones with 17 already start to grow a brain (well most of them)
Basically, kids in early-mid puberty are the ones that should be on a tight leash. Well, at least the ones who can't handle their own balls should (so just to be clear, being 11-16 years old does NOT automatically make you a bad person). Mr Testicle is a nice person, he grants you free manliness, but what do you do? Either you become manly, or you become a dumbshit fuckwad. Sadly, many people go for the latter. At least most people EVENTUALLY grow a big enough brain to realize that manliness isn't about being a fuckwad. Those kids? Well, i guess there's always a jail cell waiting for company.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol