Nightmare won't comeback, even for 1 million.
Maybe with that sum you'd get mantrain to make you a full texture set, even if i doubt it.
Originally Posted by maldiluna View Post
Nightmare won't comeback, even for 1 million.
Maybe with that sum you'd get mantrain to make you a full texture set, even if i doubt it.

I was talking to MANtrain the other day. He doesn't need tc, he has like 700k sitting around doing nothing, so most likely he won't make one for you unless he really likes you.
Originally Posted by siku View Post
there are no active texture makers that make sets worth of 1mil(definitely not darkjak)

There Arent ANY texturers/texture sets worth 1mill. Buying one for 300k or so and you would get the same quality.
Hobojoey (If you like emo/tribal/robot only)

They are the best texture makers i've seen so far.
i mean mrama is very very nice at makeing sets so is nightmare and hanzo......also Vermine is really good too i would go with vermine,mrama,or hanzo,...nightmare they say is gone
The Question was brought up about what type of set I want:

- I want something incredibly unique, different from the rest (yes that sounded attention whore but idc). Like Odlov had the 3 faced head, UncleanSP (if you guys remember him) was a mime of epic proportions. Something nobody else has done and probably wont do for a bit of time. So they are going to have to "pitch" ideas before executing with upmost detail. And if they are willing to do the tedious work to make it incredibly nice looking for a cool mill then ill put it up.

Also, Mantrain hand draws his sets, so thats f'ing epic, and while I haven't seen hanz0's sets, I have heard that they are truly epic.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by hxcbbqimo View Post
Who is nightmare

are you kidding me? He is most epic texture maker!........ EVER!!!
And the second largest penis in animal kindom