Originally Posted by Faint View Post
like gynx said, we don't quantify the amount of posts you have in your board, we quantify how many members have posted, or have displayed levels of activity. if the activity is simply you, and 1 or 2 other clan members posting 5 or 6 times a day, the clan will fail the check, and your clan isn't the only one. it's only fair to do it that way because if a clan has 30 members and 2 of them are active, how can that clan be deemed active in any fashion? it should be apparent that a clan with 10 members posting every week or so, or have been in-game or on irc recently would be deemed active while a clan with 2 active members would fail; i guess i'm misunderstanding where this isn't apparent, though it's been explained several times. none of you had any problems with the ways we did our checks until it started affecting your clan, and it's the same for every clan in your position. we have so much information regarding our checks that has been made publicly visible that i don't understand where the shock is coming from when we roll out these checks; it's like you guys think we are directly targeting clans or being biased in our checks.

We always had the impression that we only accept skilled players with enough of a brain to hold a conversation with, hence why we currently only have 16 members. Out of these 16, 6 have posted in the recent time which is ok in my opinion considering that this game hasnt changed in 9 years and we all have lives.

Originally Posted by Faint View Post
irc activity

Why would this qualify as activity, its not ingame and its not on the forums. No one would ever see the activity if you don't actually go in irc and enter their channel and check for yourself. This just seems like an excuse to give some clans a free pass. We got a skype group, does that work? How about carrier pigeons?

Anyway, if its gonna make this community so much better its fine with me.
um how about if we just do a poll for Urban to keep going alive or die?
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Originally Posted by leilak View Post
We always had the impression that we only accept skilled players with enough of a brain to hold a conversation with, hence why we currently only have 16 members. Out of these 16, 6 have posted in the recent time which is ok in my opinion considering that this game hasnt changed in 9 years and we all have lives.

Why would this qualify as activity, its not ingame and its not on the forums. No one would ever see the activity if you don't actually go in irc and enter their channel and check for yourself. This just seems like an excuse to give some clans a free pass. We got a skype group, does that work? How about carrier pigeons?

Anyway, if its gonna make this community so much better its fine with me.

As of the activity check there was not 6 active members, of course now that you've failed the check & used other social channels to arouse a response there are more members "active" when in reality they're not active at all. We've been monitoring every clan for a while now, Urban hasn't been 6 members strong in a week for a long time (at least on Toribash). Also, having less members total (like we suggest) makes it easier to pass a test - the fact you failed by having as little as 16 when other clans are passing with 50 (handily, too) should give you some sort of indication as to just how inactive you guys are.

Originally Posted by AlphaN00b View Post
um how about if we just do a poll for Urban to keep going alive or die?

That's not something that is open for discussion. The facts are on the table, we'll review them and see if there's any case whereby we can justify the keeping of Urban but there will be no public poll or discussion regarding the survival of Urban that will hold any definitive results (although you are welcome to talk about it here like we are currently).
Last edited by Gynx; Apr 19, 2015 at 06:00 PM.
collect snots from the nose
Is there a public thread that explains how deleting clans that have been around for a long time benefits toribash? or at least how does it
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
Thanks Gynx you made my day with such arguments about our "failed activity".

In my opinion no need to raise the activity of the clan or remove it which has already become a part of history or so. If some pretty old clans are threatened removal so actually it looks like a "deleting some part of history" and that's just stupid.

Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
...Also, having less members total (like we suggest) makes it easier to pass a test)...

Most of us are busy nowadays and that's not a reason to kick them out from the clan, thereby trying to pass some kind of test.. Actually too stupid

My english sux but w\e
although EJM more sux than my english

Last edited by Samopal; Apr 20, 2015 at 12:00 AM.
Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
You all seem to think that forum activity is the only activity we monitor. We monitor all activity, which is then weighed against your member count. The expectations are minimal, so to fail you really have to fail. Those of you who are saying we're deleting a clan for "not spamming their board" are simply wrong. This is because post count isn't something we consider directly when looking at forum activity - having 3 members spam 100 posts over a check period means you have 3 members active, which for a 50 man clan isn't enough. That said, you guys were given ample warning and opportunity to change things and didn't, as the OP stated your case will be reviewed again but there's no promises that anything will change.

Also, the notion that some clans should have some sort of priority over others because they've been around for a while has been discussed and (fairly) dismissed.

EDIT: Oh, and just because you circulate the news about your clan's removal to your members across other social channels & they all post here doesn't mean all of those members are active, I think we all know that is a pretty weak argument.

i came into this thread thinking that they were active enough to not be removed, but:

-i only saw maybe 4 members who have played this game once this month, or even this year
-outside of the recruitment thread, there is no actual activity relating to toribash at all. they are a clan yeah, their skype group is active, but iirc numbers has told me that he doesn't even have the game installed anymore

however, i feel that judging a clan's activity with the amount of members isn't very fair. with this clan being around for so long, i'd imagine they don't want to remove people who aren't active, but have been around for the whole duration of the clan beforehand. they have 7 members who even they labeled as inactive, is that even taken into consideration?
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

By "less members total" I meant having them in your inactivity rank, which is taken into account. My fault for being unclear (though this is in your warning thread).
collect snots from the nose
Ok but doesn't it make sense that a clan like urban would be less active than a clan that is starting up now? We have the structure down, a core set of members and like others have said all have achieved somewhat in a game that has not change in nine years. When I joined toribash back around 06 the best part of the game to me was the community and unique style of individual players. I would be in awe the rare times a 5th dan came in and showed all the blue belts how to move, decapitate etc. Urbanunit offers styles from older times which you will not see replicated by new players now. Obviously we are not going to be playing the game as much as a fresh clan of blackbelts, kind of like a 50 year old wife isn't going to fuck her husband on the daily. Doesn't mean the love isn't still there.

Edit: also for the record at least on my behalf I was not contacted to come back to the forum due to activity issues. No members even have a way to contact me outside the game. I just wanted to check in on an old friend.
From a looong time ago:
[21:56]<Blam>ManBreakfast: Frunk wants to know why you banned him from IRC
[21:56]<ManBreakfast>oh, fuck
[21:56]=-=Mode #toribash -b Frunk!*Frankie'sip by ManBreakfast
i cannot see how being alive for this long gives you the self-entitlement to say you deserve to keep this board/clan if the activity requirements clearly posted are not met, like everyone else has to follow.

for starters: a clan starting up now actually plays this game.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Sup urban

RIP urban
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010