I eat meat because:
A) it's convenient. Meat is easy to get, and I don't have to research other types of food which contain as much protein.

B) it's delicious.

C) whether you eat veggies or meat, something is dying or being harmed. When I eat a potato, I am depriving it of the life it could have lead as a valuable and perhaps respected part of the potato community.

Lastly I would like to point out that your op was not a discursive opener, it was more like an accusation.
I could pose a similar question thusly:
Why do you surf the internet? Don't you know that thousands of kilometres of animal habitat has been cleared to mine/drill/set up panels to get the energy needed to power your computer?

Lastly, if you are going to make claims about the benefits of vegetarianism, please cite the relevant medical journals.
Reckless is just FC but slightly better.~ Coine, 08/11/2016
I read really different thing and what suprises me that most of you still think about advantages for animals when you do not eat meat, what a altruism.
Me personally can't and do not want to convince you, I do not eat meat because of personal benefits that affects: my energy level, my health, my indepence for animal instincts like hunger, and some small but relevant side effects that are hard to describe.

You will never understand this lifestyle by reading anything(medical journeys, scientific facts)
You are under the pressure of the influence of what you eat since you are young.
There is always the theory but the practical is not communicable.
It is a fact that meat has extensive effects just like some drugs because it tastes so good and trust me trying to life with out it will start a withdrawal. And you are in charge of it certainly since you can think.

When you think you do something normal and accepted by your human body, you are in a manipulation since generations.

You are what you eat, you eat what you can
You are animals.
Enjoint life
You are so deep I can't see you anymore
Reckless is just FC but slightly better.~ Coine, 08/11/2016
I hunt deer and I have eaten meat all my life, I still eat fruits and vegetables and grains. Meat tastes good, it has lots of protein and stuff. I am not fond of eating heavily processed meat like fast food and shit like that, I hunt deer cuz I know its not processed and full of steroids and shit, its lean and tastes good and is very good for you.
you're on thin ice, pal
Originally Posted by Smaiva View Post
I read really different thing and what suprises me that most of you still think about advantages for animals when you do not eat meat, what a altruism.
Me personally can't and do not want to convince you, I do not eat meat because of personal benefits that affects: my energy level, my health, my indepence for animal instincts like hunger, and some small but relevant side effects that are hard to describe.

So basically you have an inferioority complex and feel the need to make yourself feel good by looking down upon us, and elevating yourself above the ordinary animal because you crave attention, recognition and the need to feel better than cows.

Recent research has shown that plants respond to stimuli like pain or injury, so now I guess you have to stop eating those too.
'what a altruism'

You will never understand this lifestyle by reading anything(medical journeys, scientific facts)

So why will your post make me understand it?

You are under the pressure of the influence of what you eat since you are young.
There is always the theory but the practical is not communicable.
It is a fact that meat has extensive effects just like some drugs because it tastes so good and trust me trying to life with out it will start a withdrawal. And you are in charge of it certainly since you can think.

Once you start citing some sources on this then we can have a discussion, but I'm not going to debate whether your facts are correct or not, until you provide evidence that they are.

When you think you do something normal and accepted by your human body, you are in a manipulation since generations.

I eat meat because I can, humans have become top of the food chain through our advances in technology so if you're talking about the "naturnalness" of veggies, think over that one.

I eat meat because it's the most readily available, and the richest source of protein.
I eat meat because it tastes many times better than brussel sprouts, tofu and beans.

I acknowledge the problems that cattle, chicken and other animal farming creates, but I'll leave changing that to the people who study agriculture.

You are what you eat, you eat what you can
You are animals.

Yes, biologically I am an animal, I am also an omnivore, so therefore I shall eat other animals, capische?
Last edited by Kore; Nov 2, 2016 at 07:03 PM.

Originally Posted by Smaiva View Post
Me personally can't and do not want to convince you,

Umm, ok? In that case, good for you. Glad to hear that your lifestyle is having a positive effect on you.
God put animals on the earth for mankind to consume as a source of food for survival.
Or at least that what my theology teacher says lol
It makes sense, though. Humans were always meant to eat meat to survive. If all early humans were on the vegan diet, I doubt any of us would be here today.
Last edited by Rouxster; Nov 2, 2016 at 06:45 PM.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
Smaiva how dare you not insult other animals for eating meat too! If there were only vegans on the planet we'd have no problems at all, right? There's no possible damages to the environment from that!

Please read more than your vegan gains newsletters for your "facts"
I think I might be retired.
"Because it tastes good" - maybe dog poop also tastes good, did you tried ?

This doesn't make any sense at all. That's not how you start a discussion, but quite contrary leave no room for one with your biased bullshit. There is a difference between presenting your position and just being ignorant.

I eat meat, because it tastes good.
I eat meat, because it's healthy and makes you gain muscles.