Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I know I'm new, but I will be inactive on the forums for the next 3-4 days.
And inactive in-game for the next month due to my laptop exploding /o/.
But after 3-4 days I will be active on the forums, which in my opinion is most important.
Gamer Of Gamers
Hey, guys, today my life has been a living hell. I learned that I'm failing my math class, and that I'm not doing well on anything. I'm having my computer taken away, and my iPod touch, giving me virtually no way to contact you guys. This could go on for a week, a month, I don't know. Keep me in the clan please, cause I'll be back sooner or later. If anyone asks about me, tell them that I'm having school problems. I will return, eventually, I just have to shape up a bit first. Goodbye, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

(That quote was to show that I haven't gone completely humorless. Ask muur where it's from. PMing me will most likely illicit a response, since I may still have limited access to email. )
Last edited by Nameless; Feb 23, 2011 at 01:07 AM.
#Magnus - #Sigma
That quote is from the Hunger Games, lol. Anyways, you sort out your real life stuff. Get a tutor, etc. etc. I have one and I make really good grades. Just try to get back to the gist of things and math and it'll be okay. Good luck!

PS: We don't kick when the person leaves a notice in the inactive thread.
Hey guy...

Things in real life are going...really bad...
I have to not be on for a week or so...
It is serious...I'm not messing around...
I'll prob. update on my phone if I every find the time...or whenever something important happens
Anyways...See ya guys after a while...
<3 Muur

I wish I didn't have to...
Last edited by Muur; Feb 28, 2011 at 06:21 AM.
Seriously, What's going on? You don't need to answer, seeing as that is personal to you, but we're worried for ya here. Well, I hope whatever it is gets better soon. See you later muur.
#Magnus - #Sigma
Originally Posted by thenamelessone
seeing as that is personal

if its personal it is PERSONAL, he doesn't said what it is so, don't ask :O