Endurance Onslaught 6.0
"Sounds good." Malek steps forwards into the cavern, asserting that there is not enough fun to go around.

"Hmm. This doesn't look dangerous at all," Malek says in a frighteningly nonchalant manner. If everyone didn't already know better, they might figure that Malek knew what was going on.

Watching how his dice roll, he might.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
GM note: characters move independently, if you do nothing and I update, I'll take control over your character based on previous actions.

Malek sees a few strange looking moving lights further in, in his calmness he assumes they are hostile creatures, but the cavern winds round allot, so he can't see much more than that, meanwhile Jositai follows Malek.
Last edited by Vox; May 27, 2010 at 08:05 PM.
Malek walks up to the general area of the creatures, and says: "Well, what do we have here? Jositai, would you care to check these things out?"

While stating the latter question, he begins examining the enemies for strengths, weaknesses, and materia.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Name: "Bomb"
Desc: "A fiery creature that can expand and explode! week to water and ice!"
Watch out for: "Explosion : Fire"
Level: 4

Name: "Buel"
Desc: "Any magic attacks are almost completely ineffective. However, very weak against physical attacks."
Level: 2
Well, don't mind if I do!

Name: Rhaken Gunnarson

Age: 12

Weapons of choice: large bearded axe, though he can defend himself with his bare hands.

Rank 1 student, red/green.

Rhaken is a simple man. He likes his beard, booze, fighting, and shouting torrents of abuse at his enemies (often in a strange language). He's actually a pretty likeable fellow, so long as he isn't engaged in combat. When he is, he is either grinning, or looking dead serious.

He has spent a good deal of time as an axe for hire. He used to run with a company of mercenaries, but a good deal of them gave up on a life of excitement and money and wenches. Rhaken didn't. And he won't stop while life remains in his body.

<stonewall> spiritBot: choke on a dick
<&spiritBot> That's not a floating planet.
Rhaken finds him self at the gate of the school, following the note he got it looks like he might even be able to keep up his job as a student, and eventually he finds a person beside him: "I'm Loar, I couldn't get privileges to teach your class, so I had to get to you this way. Long story short I want you to go and beat the fire cavern test, there is another group there at the moment, but it should still be sufficiently challenging."

Rhaken, a bit bemused by the request had questions, but as soon as he's done talking, Loar starts walking away "Your payment will find it's way to you. Oh and I ran out of Guardians so I can't give you one."

Materia get:
Thundara x20
Flare x5
Aura x1

Finisher get:
"Beserker's Blood"

Everyone else:

The GF's can learn abilities, I'll let you select what, from the following lists:

Format: Ability_Name, Points_to_get, Description_

J-Str 40 Junction to strength
J-Elem_Atk_2 80 Junction to elemental attack 2
J-Stat_Def_1 40 Junction to status defence 1
Speed+20% 60 Constant speed boost
RF-Green 40 Be able to refine green based materia from items
Card Mod 80 Be able to refine cards into items.

J-Mag 40 Junction to magic attack
J-Stat_Atk_1 40 Junction to status attack 1
Luck+20% 60 Constant luck boost
RF-Mind 40 Be able to refine Mind based materia from items
GF 80 Be able to summon GF in battle to attack

J-HP 40 Junction to HP
Spirit+20% 60 Constant spirit boost
Wisdom+20% 60 Constant wisdom boost
RF-Blue 40 Be able to refine blue based materia from items
GFSumn+10% 20 Empower GF summon attack

none as of yet
Last edited by Vox; May 28, 2010 at 03:19 AM.
Malek steps aside behind Jositai and says "Just keep these guys off my back, I'll make it through the cave pretty easily, and nobody will get themselves blown up," in an only teenily more serious voice.

Malek slips into a side passage that he merely anticipates exists. Leaving no room for error, he runs through aforementioned side passage praying that he doesn't run into anything remotely related to a variety of the beasts that live in the forest, or on his dice.

After, and not before any of this action, he examines his surroundings and the condition of his head. Assuming information past this point would not be redundant, he also examines his locations enemy status and terrain anomalies.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Boom, just like that. Teacher walks in, teacher gives you stuff to do, teacher walks out. To top it off, it was a potentially dangerous situation he was sending Rhaken into.

...Rhaken just grinned.

"This should be fun."

He trudged off to the fire cavern, axe over his shoulder, humming the notes to a drinking song and taking in his surroundings.
<stonewall> spiritBot: choke on a dick
<&spiritBot> That's not a floating planet.
Malek finds that the passageway he expected wasn't there, but a large pit was... then again if the passageway is vertical that also works, and he lands on a slightly more rocky than magma-ey area than he could have, rolling down a slope onto a platform... he doesn't get attacked! This is good because he's fallen just beside a Buel hive, it's to the relative north. Relative east there is another 'passageway' and west a legitimate route to take that might go somewhere he think. He drops a die and it bounces along the floor hitting one of the buels and then bouncing into the magma pit behind it luring it with the die killing the beast, and luring more in his direction.

~ = Lava fall
# = pit (unknown)
@ = you
B = Buel
K = Kadavor
7 = pit (lava)
|\/_ = walls
- = shadow

      |         |      ---####---
     /           \     --###---
    /             \___-###__
___/                 -##- -
--__              \
(note, field of vision applied)
Last edited by Vox; May 28, 2010 at 03:50 AM.