Originally Posted by Simon View Post
Hey I've seen you In-game before, if you come back to TB you should join Ethereal

I was in Ethereal.

Originally Posted by Apex View Post
Hello adby nice to meet you.

Hi, It was Abdy btw.

Originally Posted by ManlyPotato View Post
...I think Ethr has an abdy boner.


Originally Posted by D3m0nz View Post
Abdy was Ethr's bitch.
Yeah....that's right.....was


Originally Posted by Avengd7x View Post
Seriously. Learn to spell abdy.

I don't care about spelling. Im passing English with 93%. Good enough for me.

Btw Inferno, If I come back to TB can I join Ethr because I am really really considering coming back to TB.
Originally Posted by Abdy View Post
I was in Ethereal.

Hi, It was Abdy btw.



I don't care about spelling. Im passing English with 93%. Good enough for me.

Btw Inferno, If I come back to TB can I join Ethr because I am really really considering coming back to TB.

Of course.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Coolio, So do I start from scratch or what. Cuz I dun feel like typing an app out. :P
Originally Posted by Abdy View Post
Coolio, So do I start from scratch or what. Cuz I dun feel like typing an app out. :P

Since you did so much to help before, I'm sure ave would agree that we can put you back in one of the other ranks you were before.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
I think he was a War Hero, right?

EDIT: I put him in trial for now since we don't know that Ave wants to do with him.
Last edited by Clay; Feb 12, 2013 at 02:53 PM.
Originally Posted by Abdy View Post
Hey Nyann, Inferno and Ave.

There are other people in Ethereal too.
He probably left cause there were too many boners in the game.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~