Originally Posted by fuzeboy23 View Post
I prefer KFC

Going to have to agree with this. KFC trumps all soapbugrelated members. Rule 89897867 of the internet.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Originally Posted by zapekk View Post
Coke because...

Because what? Coke classic is good, still not as good as Pepsi though.

Soap Vs a legit bar of soap?
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Originally Posted by InfernoXZ View Post
Because what? Coke classic is good, still not as good as Pepsi though.

Soap Vs a legit bar of soap?

He is refferng to coke as drug silly

Before Ave says it :3
Peepee vs Vag (Dat censor)
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Originally Posted by Nijia View Post
He is refferng to coke as drug silly

Before Ave says it :3
Peepee vs Vag (Dat censor)

Oh great, now I feel stupid. Lol.
dat censor btw.

..ofc vag.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Ps3 because any money stolen from you at the time of the hack is about the equivalent of the amount of money that's been swindled from you by xbox live. And the fact that the majority of xbox exclusives are well... stupid.

Mountain Dew.

All fps's are the same with the exception of where they take place what guns you have and what stupid gimmicks the devs have glued onto it.


Put it in the vag.

Windows 7 is best.
Like I said, this argument is silly, but the fact that you said that most Xbox exclusives are stupid makes you seem stupid. An example - Halo.
And I'd rather have to pay for secure online services than to get free online services that get hacked all the time.

Alright I'm done with that.

(Bottled water question) Dasani, or DejaBlue?