LOVED the twist in that first kick.

super sexy skeet as well.

Wish there were more DM's in between though.

Opener was a bit mediocre but the spin-boom was amazing.
You should've made a decap at frame 356 instead of pushing it away to skeet it.
Then you should've skeeted the DM'ed head.
Also, skeet hack, not cool man : (
Thanks for comments.
Skeet was hacked, yes, I'll never do it again. I don't decap, because I've tossed a head for skeet.
Yea, I have some troubles with it, but I think nice moves better than nice DMs.
Last edited by Overlord; May 10, 2013 at 05:34 PM.
It looked pretty good actually.

I really enjoyed the opener, It had good flow and alot of momentum.
The dm's seemed pretty good. Powerful and good.
I kinda disliked the decap. (I'm that guy who wants booms if there is a chance to get it)
And y u hax skeet D: Whatever, it still looked awesome.

Overall, good replay.
Loving that double core and the boom with awesome flow.

one thing I didn't enjoy is the genericness of the opener. (wait I can't say that I do it too)