Originally Posted by Master2 View Post
I like it,but ill wait for others

whats the price?

maybe someone with some transparent fields?

i dont know u write
[RAM] Make me a set http://*******.com/Make-set
Thanks to all,
best is ARMIN0's atm...
keep trying

Im waiting for:
kagetaka's, TBashed's try..
Last edited by Master2; May 16, 2010 at 01:03 PM.
No, i designed it myself,
maybe you just saw something similar to this
because Tribal is famous

So how much are u willing to pay?
Last edited by ARMIN0; May 16, 2010 at 01:57 PM.
:(){ :|: & };:

2k, also Ill get the rights for this texture, nobody else will have it, right?

still waitiong for kagetaka's, TBashed's texture..
best i could do =/ shape is a little funny (armino i would really like to know how you managed to get it so circular) and transparency was retarded

you can change the white to transparency like you said
