Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
Have you tried just... not taking drugs?

Great advice man I'm sure he hasn't thought of that one yet
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
It makes sense, the people who say addiction is a disease are really stupid.

You know of your problem but do nothing to fix it. Yet you look towards others to help fix a problem you yourself started.

Not trying to be rude but in all reality it is you that can fix yourself. The doctors are there to help push you to do things for your self.
I'd like it if people would read what I wrote so they don't have to open their mouths and look like an idiot.
I think I might be retired.
Ur advice was shit. "Just slowly take less and less until your body doesn't crave it anymore".
Imagine telling that to an alcoholic
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
I was an alcoholic, drinking everyday when I woke up and gradually all day.

When I would stop for a day I would withdraw, sweat and throw up.

This pushed me to the point to where I honestly felt that I was so deep into this addiction that ultimately my body needed it to keep it's self alive.

Then my wife got pregnant and I dropped it cold turkey. Granted it was hard but it can be done.

I used the money that I had used for beer and spent it on an abundance of children things.

Mind over body.

Also, just because you don't agree with my advise, doesn't mean it is shit. Grow up and form a decent rebuttal instead of insulting it because you are incapable of forming a intelligent counter argument.
Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
I'd like it if people would read what I wrote so they don't have to open their mouths and look like an idiot.

when you talk about something you're not educated on and get mad when people call you out, stick to s&i board dud.

Try reading this kozmo. Professional opinions are always better than an user base on a small forums after all.
Logically I see several things you can do.

The primary thing I see most people advising you to do is
I have been stressed with school, and basic things like that.
I find that its best for me to find comfort in something that takes my mind off the stress
such as Family, Games, or sports.

If you can find something to distract you, I have a strong feeling you will become immune to your addictions.

drug addiction isn't quite the same as stress from school, believe it or not.
Originally Posted by Coine View Post
Try reading this kozmo. Professional opinions are always better than an user base on a small forums after all.

Last edited by Rouxster; Oct 28, 2016 at 08:23 AM.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
I think a few people are missing the MAIN IDEA, here
we aren't suppose to be arguing with each other, we
are suppose to be helping Kozu.

So can we stay on topic please...?