look too distant doesnt it look too distant doesnt it look too distant doesnt it look too distant doesnt it look too distant doesnt it

this is all the stuff i have on my list, the next album im listening to is mother earth's plantasia by mort garson
Tell Me About the Long Dark Path Home - The Newfound Interest in Connecticut (2005)

Somewhere in Ontario Canada the members of The Newfound Interest in Connecticut, friends, and family decided to record themselves walking through the woods. Inspired by post-rock outfits Mogwai, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, and even slowcore band Low, they decided to use this recording as the groundwork idea for a project. Interworking field recording type ambience in between absolutely gorgeous post-rock build ups, and progressions, into midwest emo, and vaguely skramz parts. Perfectly weaving back and fourth between songs interconnected if not by the progressions themselves then well choreographed ambience. This album is hard to separate into songs, having something that can be described better as a "moment". Relaxing on the bed of atmosphere these songs create is like an audio representation of nostalgia as laughing fades in, conversations, until the music takes back over. Gentle spiderwebs of riffs, and drums, evolve into chord progressions. Passionate vocals used almost as an instrument itself help to boost the emotion come, and go, as the instruments lead somewhere else, flowing almost like how a conversation would, changing topics when it seems necessary. The moments when you can understand the lyrics, it is always on purpose adding something incredibly vague, yet incredibly meaningful.

Favorite "Moment": During the song titled " I Can Hear Your Footsteps Just Outside Camp - Sah, Sah, Sah..." after the instrumental just builds, and builds, and builds, just when you expect them to go full skramz again, they cut it all back except for the vocalist, and one repeating chord. "Coward" the vocalist sings softly under the instruments as they fade out, and then again more confidently the second time he sings "Coward". He repeats himself with a different progression each time until finally the instruments fade back in, and takes everything somewhere else again.
