Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Venezuela rn
since some friends have asked me I'm making this thread is to inform and shed a light, even if toribash has few active players, on the situation my country is going through; most of you are my friends and I wouldn't want you to be uninformed about what is going on, as you all probably know, I'm from Venezuela, and I've lived here all my life because I deeply love my country, given that, there's a lot of news going around since we're in pretty messed up times right now.

here's a sick ass beat I made + visual summary of the situation for my ig story

As with the 2002 protests, 2014 came along as well as 2017, now it's 2024 and the same dictatorial regime has stayed in power, it was instigated by a Chávez-led coup and subsequent elections in 1999 where he won, given this context:

What is happening right now is simple to explain but hard to sift through the details, basically the 2024 presidential elections led by the Chavista regime of throne heir Nicolás Maduro, and opposition leader(s) María Corina Machado and Edmundo González Urrutia (who is the candidate representing Corina Machado as her candidacy was voided, she then tried to have Corina Yoris as her candidate, who was also voided) were stolen, as always they rigged them, this is so habitual and not a shocker at all that I along with everyone with two functioning neurons were expecting it. However what I wasn't expecting was for the people to take up their arms and express their dissatisfaction with such vigor.

I had the least amount of hope for the elections, granted I was absolutely right in that they'd be rigged and people had a pretty innocent hope of the government giving up their power, which didn't happen, as of 3 days ago people have taken to the streets to display their disapproval of the dictatorial government, however the opposition, the Mesa de la Unidad or MUD which is Corina Machado's party, have historically been in cahoots with the government, as the opposition ever since the 2006 election has been on the government's payroll.

(This claim is certainly an unpopular and cynical one to make, the people trust her and see her as a leader, but to me she is as controlled as, in order of candidacy, Manuel Rosales, Henrique Capriles, Leopoldo López, Juan Guaidó, and Henri Falcón)

All entities are to blame, obviously heading the guilt is the government for imposing a 25-year long systemic economic nightmare that led to striking rates of starvation specially during the great hunger of 2016, and incredible oppression to protests, as well as basically creating generational fear amidst the people due to their cruelty, and the opposition as well for being always at the mercy of the government's conspiracies, everyone involved in the national politics, all of the Chavista cohorts comprised of Maduro, Diosdado, Vladimir Padrino, Tarek William, all of them, but I also include the MUD, Corina Machado and Edmundo as also being guilty of instigating these protests while also throwing a shoe at the cogs of freedom in calls for peace amidst a country that doesn't want to hear it, this rage was seen after the 2012 presidential loss of Capriles Radonski and it was appeased by him calling not to take the streets and instead strike pans and pots in protest, this scenario of already-seen-before self-sabotage, this same bait and switch of first giving the people hope and then failing them to let the streets go cold helmed by Henrique Capriles Radonski who won by a landslide but sold his presidential term to the Chavista regime under the table in a corrupt negotiation.

more on this anti-establishment topic

Now, what did I think would happen? I knew the opposition would lose due to fraud, I didn't think that the people would be hopeful enough as to protest, but they have and so have I to fulfill the will of the people.

Do I think something will happen? having the international watch be a useless enabler ever since the 2002 failed american-backed coup, and having the OEA (OAS in English) reject the motion to fully identify the election as a huge fraud [revision for when I wrote this: this was so blatant that it was overruled and the case was approved and further actions were taken to set an arrest warrant on Maduro as a human rights violator and criminal], which it clearly was, as the opposition made a full website where people can publicly see the ballots gathered by the respective assigned board members defending democracy by subverting the corrupt CNE (Electoral National Center) and backtracking the votes paper by paper, and they transparently attest that they do NOT match at all with the digital CNE government-backed results, in the slightest, as well as the 'official' results having several issues mathematically speaking, such as it being a perfect round calculation [like, 51.20000000%] like they chose the percentage and then ran the numbers of how much that would be. - So the international method is absolutely farcical at this point.

What would be the way to go in my opinion: given the opposition being an actual opposing force and not an ally, what SHOULD'VE happened was that they'd be immediate in their response, already expecting fraud, and going fully into one single narrative instead of fragmenting their strengths and letting the streets get cold which is what they're doing, to many of our eyes.

The strategic means if you really want change would've been a calling to arms in the streets AND GIVE THEM DIRECT INSTRUCTIONS as they need leadership to not be a headless snake, as what happens now with the government, different from 2002, 2014, and 2017, is that they no longer have the numbers to back up the oppression, even the criminals, the thugs, the gang members, which are many in this country, are with the opposition as the government has an incredibly poor reputation (even after the economy has had an up ever since a couple years ago, with our first ever in decades positive GDP, as well as historically low inflation compared to regular Venezuelan hyperinflation)

For the first time ever, the revving engine of a motorcycle didn't mean that we were about to be shot at in the protest, it meant that we were being protected by the people with our same cause, this fraternization of the masses and social classes means the entire repudiation of the government, having their core supporters, that being the disenfranchised, racial minorities, economic pariahs and disrespected lower classes, be against the very government that for the first decade of its run did very much advocate for them.

Somebody make an AI summary of this in case y'all don't want to read this much

also I've gone out and protested not because I support the leadership but because I believe the people's will must be supported no matter how delicate I think the economy is right now and exacerbating the problem by causing a ruckus will fuck that up, here's a summary + sick ass beat of day two

THERE HAVE BEEN A LOT OF DEATHS, disappearances, unjust arrests with no trial, torture, political imprisonment, taunts on the oppressed by government officials, claims that people are faking all the blood with ketchup, Elon Musk challenging Maduro to a fistfight, this shit is insane

But I will keep the fight, worry not about me my friends for I am a Toribash fighter and I use goldpeople. I will not be captured or killed so I can keep shitposting for years to come, and finally, in a free country. Fuck oppresion.

Thank you for reading, this cause is important to me and I hope you understand this is one of the ways in which I can help get the word out.
Last edited by Alejandro; Aug 1, 2024 at 10:58 AM.