Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I like high FPS and low graphics, over high FPS and high graphics.

Reasoning? I hate how supposedly "good" graphics look. I'm playing a video game, so I prefer my games to not imitate reality. If I wanted reality I'd be fucking going outside. One of the reasons why I liked Borderlands a lot was because it looked crisp, but it's art style was separated from reality enough to make it rather enjoyable to look at.

Also, newer graphics tend to make me get a headache because the majority of advances in graphics has not been from texture resolutions being improved or other static improvements, but from physics engine improvements, like light sources, shadows, and particles. And those little details put way too much strain on my eyes, particularly if it becomes a clusterfuck. I hate walking into forested areas with high graphics on because I will invariably get eye strain because of all the fucking shadows and godrays and leaves falling and branches swaying and other stupid shit that get in the way of me seeing the actually important things, like angry bears or food. Sure it looks pretty, but again, if I wanted pretty I'd be outside.

Plus it's all about breaking the game through shitty graphics. So much easier to see everything in an fps when the graphics are running lower than low.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
How is this even a question, I don't think anyone want high quality graphics without decent fps to back it up. But lets repeat the same statement 50 times with slight alterations for the sake of it.

Hurrdurr I play csgo and I use low graphics to get higher fps because I like fps and playing without it is bad, fps is good mkay 60 fpsess

If that were true then everyone would be playing cs on the lowest settings, but I really doubt that's true... Maybe we should get everyone to take a ss of their cs/dota settings so we can confirm that everyone is truly using the lowest.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
If that were true then everyone would be playing cs on the lowest settings, but I really doubt that's true... Maybe we should get everyone to take a ss of their cs/dota settings so we can confirm that everyone is truly using the lowest.

csgo shouldn't be counted in on this, though. everyone knows that you need low graphics in any fps game to spot people easier.
Although, you are using FXAA, texture filtering, and windowed fullscreen...

Like I said, there are people that don't play on min graphics, you included though you are quite close to min.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff