I like , I like dscigs! <3
I really appreciate the cnc

I have been trying to edit Ints for a while now , cant seem to get anything bigger then a split dm
Here's the replay I will be making for ORMO. It's only a WIP. I'm trying to get a boom with the kick, instead of both legs.

I will be accepting CnC from everyone but Internet and Hobo.
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anotheredit.rpl (145.2 KB, 19 views)
Im going to cnc that replay.
its a replay. and it has a dismemberment. 1/10

want to see a worse replay? IM CALLING OUT TO YOU DSCIGS LOVE ME
Attached Files
#Internet - apples.rpl (123.2 KB, 10 views)
Last edited by Internet; Apr 23, 2013 at 06:06 AM.
I love you too Internet :3
The opener was pretty basic, as were the lift. I've seen them used a lot and probably too often used badly. The kick could've had more lift but it did what it was supposed to.
The transition to the kick was alright, pretty simple and really over-used.
The kick looked nice and solid though, definitely the highlight of the replay.
The ending looked pretty floaty, and you probably could've posed without extending your leg awkwardly.
Magic -
Magicspirit wasn't great, it wasn't realistic or had boom or anything, but it had one nice factor. You didn't twitch.
The dms were pretty slow, except for the first two.
The split looked pretty weak, as did the decap. T'was not realistic, but at least you weren't twitchy the way I was at my beginning.
Start me off I liked more, the boom was pretty nice, but the grab turned me off.
The rest was really the same as before
Again the same as before you weren't twitchy, but the downsides were that it wasn't powerful besides the first kick. There was a little bit of flow at parts but beyond that there wasn't much.

No need to comment on this, just thought I'd share it.
Attached Files
C#MM - Portals everywhere.rpl (68.3 KB, 7 views)
Ok then. So here is a wip and something else.
Attached Files
#Potato - Kickity.rpl (58.0 KB, 7 views)
#Potato - Bleep bloop.rpl (140.2 KB, 6 views)
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
Fine water just because I dont ever give you any real cnc.

Alright I liked the decap. but your movements throughout the replay where awkward im my opinion. You looked like you where twitching around and hitting things.
the dms where nice. at least you know how to DM

Dscigs: That replay was silly actually. I don't ever really do -9.82 gravity anymore. I thought the replay was pretty neato

Manly~ Kickity it was nice the movements where swell since this is a WIP there is not much to say

Bleepbloop: What gravity man :o it looks like -36 or something unusual the dm's where nice but it seemed really sloppy. I cant really say much else about it right now. since uh.
I'm sick :C .

Btw im sending you a new torso. the radioactive torso does not bring me to your yard.