Originally Posted by smiles2 View Post
i hate it when, i'm SUPER THIRSTY... and there's absolutely nothing in my fridge to drink. what happens to you that really gets on you're nerves? share it here!

Don't you have water in your house?
I also hate attention whores.

EDIT: Whoops, this isn't a hate thread. :U
Last edited by Bob_old; Mar 13, 2010 at 07:25 AM.
Originally Posted by MrHappy59 View Post
I hate rasciscm.Were all one race HUMAN.

But sometimes its funny.

You guys here about the fag who went to college?
Originally Posted by jxc1013 View Post
But sometimes its funny.

You guys here about the fag who went to college?

Its funny but it isn't right when people are seriously rascist.
Tits or gtfo.
I understand.

Don't see it as not right, just see it as how much more intelligent you are then the racist.
I was actually going to make something like this. I hate:

A situation in which a nice person is being disrespected. (Biology class, they talk so much shit about the professor, and she's gentle as a lamb.)

Internet kids who think they're mature for their age, but will soak up a hivemind like a sponge, then wind up as /b/tards.
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

Originally Posted by Guv_na View Post
I was actually going to make something like this. I hate:

A situation in which a nice person is being disrespected. (Biology class, they talk so much shit about the professor, and she's gentle as a lamb.)

Internet kids who think they're mature for their age, but will soak up a hivemind like a sponge, then wind up as /b/tards.

I agree with both of those. 2nd one especially.
Taken a look at wibbles these days? Goddamn.