Endurance Onslaught 6.0
well thats sad to see neon and goodbye i suppose. umm i guess if anything ill be the last to leave ... just saying dont worry about me going. uhh when buyakia decides to get some responsibility and send me a personal mssg of where the fuck hes been or such well talk on what to do. neon before u do leave did u or did u not kick all the members who dident post? just wondering so when buyakia does get back from where ever the hell hes been we can see what were working with. so yea.....

Also my comp got fried by viruses, the one at my dads so i wont be on tb or here as much.... which isent much but buyakia just send me a msg and ill try as best as i can to find a way to communicate cause i wont be at my moms for a while.
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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buyakia never didnt talk to me about his problems,
So,I didnt know anything about his problems and ect...
I think it was better he said it to all leaders and surly I never left this clan.
but,Now is too late to state these things.
So,I'm so sorry guys,but I cant back.
Maybe when buyakia back...
sigh pity to lose ya neon
sorry that i have not been on lately i have a few jobs now and tennis competitions all throughout summer. who else has quit?
ima crusin for a bruisn
No one else man...
I hope that you be succesfull in competotions and your clan too.
I really had a good times in your clans and sry for sometimes that I'v been inactive.
And I think masterjosh can be a loyal co leader for SFST what I wasnt.
Anyway,All goods for SFST.
(and,My own new clans name is JR,It'll be offical soonly,i hope JR and SFST be good friends for eachother)...
ah who cares, im leaving sfst, this is just ridiculous of buyakia. clans dead, go home
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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I check SFST forums every day,and it make me sad.
btw,JR and SFST are allies for ever.
I hope buyakia back and do smth.
The first ninety minutes of a football match are the most important.