

If you refresh the first page of this topic you will see that we spawned on map.

SNAKE is BLUE player and he plays FIRST.

I am GREEN player and I play SECOND

DEUTERIA is RED player and he plays THIRD.

These are the events that will start in random order one after another in the span of 3 turns after turn 12!


How do you play? Easy.
Just post: going UP, and your character will go one space UP. Or post going DOWN and your character will go DOWN on the map.

If you reach HOSPITAL u can do action: Take Med kit, and you will get one med kit in your inventory.
If you get close to GUN SHOP, just post : buy weapons and you will be armed.
If you get close to CAR LOOT just do action: HOT-WIRE the car and you will have a car.

Getting close means you are one space close to these locations or standing on them.

Those 2 stars on the map are ours scenario goals. We all have to reach STAR NUMBER 1 then go to STAR NUMBER 2.

Some hints:
Looking at map I think we don't stand a chance to reach Star 2 (Soccer Stadium) on foot. Our best option would be if Deuteria get a car and since he is a driver he can go up to 4 spaces on roads and pick us up.
Problem is, he can only pick up me, since we two can bond, while Snake can't (he is CRIMINAL, he can't bond, lol). So, I guess, Snake will miss the game, or maybe he will get a car too? Idk.
Anyway, we must all gather fist at the STAR 1 location!.

Snake plays first.
I move right.

Yes, everything is passable. But, if you gonna try to swim across water be advised that its worst then going through rubble. You lose 2 turns swimming, so better cross over bridges.
Only if you are desperate got for the swim.

Deuteria is next to move, and when he do that it will be end of turn 1.

When I get to that woods area I would be able to move faster. Remember, I'm a PARKOUR MASTER, so I can use trees like Tarzan! XD. I guess I will be able to wait you on the road across bridge. Just get that car in your next turn Deuteria and then get to the road so you can move 4 spaces on roads. You will be able to pick me up and then we drive us to STAR 1 so we finish the first part of scenario. Then we can drive to STAR 2.

Hint: When you move with car on roads 4 spaces just post like this: UP. UP, LEFT, RIGHT...etc, or If you wish to go less then 4 spaces, u can do that too.

I'm just sorry for poor Snake, I think he will not be able to finish his mission before shit hits the fan! But, at least he is armed.

End of turn 1. Snake to move next.