Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I'm waiting on a few more people to post their char's before I make any moves. I also don't wanna be the first to make a move. As last time me and demon made quick moves, and we got put into the middle of anything that happened.
Fine I will..

Once upon... about 20 minutes ago. A war was executed between powerful beings living in our world. These beings are known as "roleplayers" and these roleplayers must unveil their story and determine what will happen, whether the result is catastrohpic or brings world peace.

(At a large-ish mansion)

"Agh this isn't good guys. You gotta get this barrier back up.. This story is about to start all over again, and I don't wanna make any mistakes." -JesseD with a worryful look

"Sir, your not as calm and patient as you used to be." -Pardon

"Agh I know.. since that last war didn't go how I expected.. Gah. It went well enough! I need to get over the fact I didn't win." -JesseD

"Mh do you know what you would have done if you had won." -Pardon

"..." -JesseD with a look of deep thought

"............" -JesseD looking once again at the magic support servant

"That is an interesting goal." -Pardon

"OH SARCASM HELPS!" -JesseD quickly looking at the servant Pardon

"My my, don't you know to respect your elders." -Pardon

"Right... Sorry... Maybe if I check in later they will had made progress." -JesseD as he leaves

"And so the war begins again..." -Pardon quietly to himself
Idea was from Zenonia (first one), Dupre's name after he gave up command of the temple knights. He is Regret's (main character, you play as) father, and is killed at the beginning of the game. He went by the name Pardon, as he didn't wanna be known as the former temple knights leader.

Servant Pardon in this story is actually an older man, who is like an advisor to myself.
I have taken the time.
I have felt what humans have felt.
I need an ally.
An ally that can feel.
An ally like...
...We Are Nineteen...

Also, I am like the monsters in the Percy Jackson series. I don't die, but I can be destroyed and reappear as a different monster.
*Nineteen steps out and into the night.*
*Nineteen begins his long walk to his next mission.*
*Nineteen opens a letter his master gave him*
It reads:
Nineteen, you have been sent to the house of a man by the name of Jesse. He is not yet aware of your coming so don't startle him. No-one in his residence can be killed, your weapons are tightly restricted in this part of the mission. Give him the other letter I sent with you and be respectful, we are not there to rage war. Good luck.

*Walks back outside*

"Hey Jesse" -Portal Master

"Oh hey. What are you doing here?" -JesseD

"I came by to teach your portal servants a new trick, in combination with the barrier servants. But, your barrier servants were having trouble re-establishing their new barrier, so I helped them out first." -Portal Master

"Oh thank you! I was afraid that someone might make a move before we had the barrier up. Oh, what is this new trick you spoke of?" -JesseD

"Well, since you told me last war about the allies, the ones you weren't sure that were really allies. I started working on a new portal technique. It's a quick portal to execute, and can be executed anywhere within the barrier. So they can quickly get you out of here if your in danger. You need to figure out where you wanna go, and soon. As your portallers will need a day or two of practice before sending you, since it's a quick executed portal." -Portal Master

"Oh this sounds very useful, good job! And thank you. Hmm you came a far way, do you wanna stay the night?" -JesseD

"Thanks, but I'm gonna go on. I think I have just enough energy to portal back." -Portal Master

"Well, have a safe trip, and be careful, you never know what's going to happen during this war."