ummm......we need to be more active at the other threads
BTW replays to the vid:
Attached Files
Domowned.rpl (30.1 KB, 3 views)
Pieces.rpl (38.6 KB, 3 views)
Member [o]f Incognito
You seem really busy on the forums recently, thats good! :Ð
My hands are staind with blood, just like yours, but unlike you, I'm not scared.
... i have a SLIGHT problem... the vid will be set back ALOT. my lappy died 2 days ago. i can save it easily, but ime toooooo lazy. i got L4d, mirrors edge, castle crashers, a kingdom of keflings, pac man CE, Pure and my mums birthday comeing up, so i realy cant be bothered to fix a laptop. lol. i might do it in school tomorrow XD
[Pandora] I can't appreciate another day in Heaven without another day in Hell [Anime United]
well first......
Vx7: Yeah, im active now because i want to be more of a part of DH than slipping around at SP and making boring(but awsome and stylish) SP replays and eating dog food at the roof of Empire State Building(not because its anything wrong with dog food).

thegrimreaper: np, bad your lappy died. May he rest in peace!
im just trying to be more active. So dont feel any pressure.

/Hugs and Stabs Marloto

......yikes that was a loooooooong post.....obviously my the time.......
Member [o]f Incognito
@ thegrimreaper...

Well it is ok, there is just so much to do and so little time. So I understand. Take your time and enjoy yourself!

@ Marloto

Thats very noble of you! You're heading in the right direction. Also, lol, dog food?
My hands are staind with blood, just like yours, but unlike you, I'm not scared.
Is it ok if i can send my replays in the next week or so.
I want it! I need it! Revenge is dripping from my teeth! It aint nothing, to feel power and bring my killers to their knees!
Originally Posted by thegrimreaper View Post
i will be ading WAY more useing the vids colected here. ALSO...

Vx7 i has a gift for you

the head UKE has on

I'll check out the vid, once I get to a pc... Also the gift you speak of. Is it a head texture? If so why? Lol
My hands are staind with blood, just like yours, but unlike you, I'm not scared.
Hello!? *hellohellohello echoes*
Its empty....
Im so inactive!!!!!
Im so (bleep)ing inactive that the entire clan have gone the same way!!!!!
Member [o]f Incognito