You can't really lose at marketing, so I'd recommend learning prices and perhaps start.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Marketing, what turns from a 1k a day will turn into like 3k then 8k then 15k.

The more money you have, the more tc you will get
Don't Be Racist
Don't listen to rookie he sucks.
Now coming from a PRO at making money I'd advise dueling and ruining bet servers via taking any available decap prize.
You can just buy toricredits with a Visa Card or Credit/Debit card. That's one way. I've done it a couple times.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
nah, JSnuffMARS is the best at making TC

but my recipee is closed source

@iRookie's , guise, don't do it, it can get you banned and rigging duels, well, it doesn't work, actually.
I'm going to go along and say that marketing is probably best and easiest for you right now too. The main problem you'll have is that with limited capital your returns will also be quite small but it will grow fast enough.
Then every now and then head to a GMbets server and hope that there are some richfags throwing away cash. Should be easy enough to pick up a bit here and there if you're smart.
Good luck.
In R2R event i started from 5k and made 1.2kk in 3 weeks
Deffinately amrketing is the easyest.
I will try to put toghether a complex marketing tutorial in the future. With what is the best items you should buy and what should you look at before buying an item and many more. There are different types or marketeers out there. It's pretty complex
Pm me for deals