Oh oh oh oh my turn for a sarcastic tutorial!
Step 1. Go to Log in if you have not.
Step 2. Go to the "Market" subforum.
Step 3. Go to the "Art and Textures" part of the "Market"
Step 4. Click the "New thread" button.
Step 5. Name your thread something of the sort, "[AUCTION]Blahblah" If you are doing an auction
Step 6. Type what you want using your keyboard. (The thing with the letters on it).
Step 7. Upload your picture of the head in spinny or an ingame picture.
Step 8. State your price and what not.
Step 9. Wait until someone decides to "post" on your thread, saying they want to buy it.
Step 10. Send them the picture of the head in non-spinny form.
Step 11. You will recieve your money and have a nice day.
