Endurance Onslaught 6.0
you make me laugh....not really :S
xeldark = that who i forgot his other name :S
~ The HoLy Burning Death Plague Angel ~ GMT +10

I dont mind if you forget
i was in HoLy for a while before
it got so inactive i was in clan video xD
"Warrior who fights with fire"
*poke* *poke* *poke* "i think his dead....Anyone here?!" *stares at inactivity*
~ The HoLy Burning Death Plague Angel ~ GMT +10
sorry that i've been kinda inactive lately..... it's summer and im always doing something, but i will try to be more active from now on xD
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post but,

Hello. We [rabbit] and your clan [HoLy] are allies. So as allies I came to check with you guys if you need help with anything.
you dumb dumb you forgot the diplomacy thread :@ x.x
and when did we ally rabbit o.o seriously
~ The HoLy Burning Death Plague Angel ~ GMT +10