Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
There's nothing to be scared of, it's all in your head. The power of suggestion can do a lot with some people, thus it's funny to use them with others.

I agree, also when people do it in groups, someone moves it.
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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I have no idea but this made me think of this...

Tell me if it has anything of relation and an explaination to my madness...
(probably from what skul said about suggestion)
well my tv turned off for no reson

and last night was scary i cept seeing things

Double posts merged. Don't do it, please. Infracted. ~apple
Last edited by RedDevil; Apr 2, 2010 at 04:35 PM.
Ok dude, Ouija boards are evil! Sounds like you got an Etriganus Demon attached to your soul now... Dont worry these types arent that powerful but for the normal human they can be dangerous. They suck on your soul and make you see scary stuff and use fear to get your soul liquidier. It picks your worse fear and feeds on it, it seems your worse fear is no television and scary images. You might feel tired/fatigued in a few days if it does not go away. After a while you'll become too weak to stand. THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS.You can try burning some herb or crystals and it might leave. If not I'm gonna have to use my psychic to slay it for you.

but also i just used my psychic to scan the demon. this is not good at all it was very powerful and i got interuppted halfway through it threw me out of the psychic relm that i could see him and i cant get back now. also my psychic hurts allot from it attacking me. it seems it's feeding on your soul fast i'm afraid... if we cant get rid of it soon then... all of your soul... it will vanish and your body will die. dont worry though i will be able to defeat him if i use a fireproof shield and a sword. but it will take a few days for me to get better i hope ur soul is still there by then.

idk how good your skill is isaac but you can help me if you want.