Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by terryquan View Post
so the clan is dying.... we still have a very slim chance of surviving you know!

I doubt it.

MYI has cut off his activeness, Locker's not here, Jaden left. How could this clan survive with people like you who post willy nilly in the application thread, random topic threads, etc. More like spamming the thread.

You guys don't know when to post and when not to post. Seriously? Application thread only for applications? You were posting in it as if it were a discussion or debate thread. This is why people who want to apply think that when they see the 'application' thread seems more like a spam, discussion thread. They'll think that 'oh look I think I'm gonna apply in DIAF although they're application thread looks like a dump, I'll try another clan then that's more mature and organized'.

And the thread 'next clan vid' has become a wibbles thread. Going offtopic, being a nuisance, and it is only for the 'next clan vid'. Can't you guys read? Or do you need to go back to kinder-garden again.

Do the moderators of this board have to close every unstickied thread just to end the discussion? If you take a look at the other clan boards, such as Pandora, for instance. As you can see, they only post whenever it is necessary, and stay on topic. Unlike you, you post things in random threads like 'damn' 'shit, what are we gonna do now'.

What's more, I was proud that when I came to my first clan, DIAF, it was organized, 'cept for the thread titles though (Cann you suck o/ jk). And they were staying on topic. Then the newbies came, such as me, when I was new, spamming every thread willy nilly. Like CaptainLOL and me, but at least, after a few days time, both of us matured.

Unlike you, you people can't learn when to post and when not to post. Clearly, what you need to learn, is maturity.

So yeah, to conclude, that 'slim chance', is clearly, impossible.

You can report me, you can ban me, you can delete this post, but I'm just proving a point here.

Anything else you have against me? Flame me? Go on, act immature then.
Last edited by Virtue; Sep 6, 2009 at 07:05 AM. Reason: Removed the smilies o/
master of the universe
well yeah man ima on your side here .......
but yeah ima gonna leave
sorry guys but there is no point
like seriously non
this clan has 4 members
and they aint even active
sorry guys
ex Ldr[HoLy]iceman21...
...we have come.....
-.- well ard
1. i was trying to be optimistic here!
2. what do you expect im only 11 turning 12
3. your right
4.the slim chance is 0.1%
5.i know the clan is "dying"
6. as you say the clan is "dead" so why cant we spam?
7. yea your points proven
8. well in my eyes nothing is impossible
Last edited by terryquan; Sep 6, 2009 at 07:41 AM.
~ The HoLy Burning Death Plague Angel ~ GMT +10
Originally Posted by terryquan View Post
-.- well ard
1. i was trying to be optimistic here!
2. what do you expect im only 11 turning 12
3. your right
4.the slim chance is 0.1%
5.i know the clan is "dying"
6. as you say the clan is "dead" so why cant we spam?
7. yea your points proven
8. well in my eyes nothing is impossible

1. I don't know what optimistic means and I'm already 14, lol.
2. I don't give a fuck.
3. uhm, I see.
4. Probably.
5. Obvious, isn't it?
6. You lose respect from other people if you act like douchebags and spam.
7. Want me to give all of them? That's not even half the point I made yet. But I think that was enough.
8. Eating the sun is pretty much impossible. (Originally from DecapW, lol)

Anything else you have against me?
master of the universe
1. optimistic means to be positive and if you dont know what positive means it means to be bright or something like that
2. my point is the younger you are your are possibly to be immature
3. yea
4. well i justed recruited some guy
5. well yea but im saying "I KNOW" its dying
6. well we've mostly been like that ?
7. yea yea your points proven no need to exaggerate -.-
8. thats not what i meant...
~ The HoLy Burning Death Plague Angel ~ GMT +10
Originally Posted by terryquan View Post
2. my point is the younger you are your are possibly to be immature

CaptainLOL is 12, and he is now forum-wise. hanzarce is 12 or 13, and he is also forum-wise, same with Aspire and 59FIFTY.

You're probably been wanting to drag someone to your immature ness.
master of the universe
what do you mean i "probably been wanted to drag someone to my immature ness"?
also prove that I'm immature. all those people you mentioned I'm different to them also another thing in MY opinion i don't think I'm that immature I'm not saying I'm completely mature I'm just saying overall I'm not all that immature.

By the way i don't like your attitude too much :/
one last thing stop calling everyone immature -.-

EDIT: i forgot to mention something i did say "my point is the younger you are your are possibly to be immature"
~ The HoLy Burning Death Plague Angel ~ GMT +10
Originally Posted by terryquan View Post
what do you mean i "probably been wanted to drag someone to my immature ness"?
also prove that I'm immature. all those people you mentioned I'm different to them also another thing in MY opinion i don't think I'm that immature I'm not saying I'm completely mature I'm just saying overall I'm not all that immature.

By the way i don't like your attitude too much :/
one last thing stop calling everyone immature -.-

EDIT: i forgot to mention something i did say "my point is the younger you are your are possibly to be immature"

First off, you spam threads like 'applications/roster'. You go offtopic, you make your posts barely to understand, and you act like a douche. I don't give a damn if you don't like my attitude, because what I'm saying is the truth, and the 'truth' hurts, believe me.

Also, possibly becoming immature can get over with, so stop being immature and grow up.

There, got anything else to say to me?
master of the universe
well how am i being immature and im just replying to what ever people post it doesn't exactly mean im spamming. and yes i know the truth.
for the 2nd time stop saying im being immature.
also for a 2nd time i have to say this but your being a pain to me...
Yea you may be able to prove other points but you cant prove that I'm immature
~ The HoLy Burning Death Plague Angel ~ GMT +10
Originally Posted by terryquan View Post
well how am i being immature and im just replying to what ever people post it doesn't exactly mean im spamming. and yes i know the truth.
for the 2nd time stop saying im being immature.
also for a 2nd time i have to say this but your being a pain to me...
Yea you may be able to prove other points but you cant prove that I'm immature

Using false and fail grammar is pretty much immature. I used false and fail grammar when I was new here. Pretty much, I got over it. Why can't you, huh? Happy being a kid? Well, enjoy it, it won't last long.

I'm a pain in the ass for you, I don't care, I'm proving a point here. You won't win a discussion against me.
master of the universe