Originally Posted by Solax View Post
Shitposting deleted, keep to the discussion please. But yes, it's fairly likely that player count will rise over the summer. Are there an further discussion points?

Everyone could expand on the subject

Me as OP? I'm quite satisfied with the opinions on Summertime Sadness I mean Summertime Toribash playing player amount.

Of course I could ask how could it affect market, price of certain items or TC sales but it's quite irrelevant cause no matter how good I am in getting TC, there's more lucrative things out there in the world
The point of those questions would be that it might not be directly proportional, because although more players = more TB marketing, it's never said the summer players will / will not be this or that percentage of
brand new users and stuff
I also think the comunity is getting smaller... It had a big raise in members when it got to steam.
Now in the morning and afternoon there is nobody on. When america wakes up there is some people on and toribash is more alive.
The grafic solax showed us is very good. U can see the steam launch....and the the winter vacation. I think activity in summer will be like in this winter vacation. I hope i am wrong...
Originally Posted by Insanity View Post
I also think the comunity is getting smaller... It had a big raise in members when it got to steam.
Now in the morning and afternoon there is nobody on. When america wakes up there is some people on and toribash is more alive.
The grafic solax showed us is very good. U can see the steam launch....and the the winter vacation. I think activity in summer will be like in this winter vacation. I hope i am wrong...

What Solax graphics? The pixel art?