Hello there, I followed your link from Computer/Mobile Chat.

/Lane's list looks pretty damn good, especially for the price (holy crap). My only comment is that you might not need a liquid cooler, especially not if you're not going to overclock that CPU (you won't need to) and could probably get away with just using the stock fan or a 212 Evo. Liquid cooling is a little overkill for this budget but it's only going to save you like $100 which isn't going to be much help in getting a better GPU (780 is around $200 more than the 770) or any other part for that matter.

You could also downgrade the mobo to the ASRock Extreme 3 ($84.99), as again you probably aren't going to overclock and it offers everything you need but not much point unless you're trying to be a skinflint.

All in all, here's another vote for Lane's build (sans watercooling CPU cooler).
Oh! You also haven't listed a monitor. Try the AOC E2260Sw ($99.99), it's cheap, 1920x1080 and is pretty reliable all things considered.
Last edited by 4zb41; Jan 1, 2014 at 03:41 AM.
Thanks for the tips and I really like that monitor
I have a question that involves monitors too
Should I do dual monitors or no?
What are the pros and cons of dual monitors?
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
Pros: Two monitors
Cons: Money
Also for a mouse if you are claw or finger grip you might want to look at CM Storm Spawn, It's what I use and it's really comfy and has a good sensor.
Did you read the computing subforum sticky?
I would definitely suggest checking out /g/'s battlestation threads if you want to get a look at desks, chairs, overall setups.

Monitor -> QX2710 It's 1440p, overclockable to 120Hz. If you want a monitor with better color reproduction, then a Dell Ultrasharp is best in class.

Mouse -> The following are considered top tier: Zowie AM, Razer Abyssus/Deathadder, Logitech G400. Cyborg mice do NOT have good sensors, they may look "cool" but they are not top tier.

Keyboard -> If you want lights, it's gotta be a Shine 3 DK9008, it's the shiniest quality keyboard around. If you think that's a bit big, they do make a tenkeyless version, and if that's not your style, then KBT pure or Poker 60% are smaller and more compact, but still shiney.

Desk -> The top recommended methods are to buy a table top and legs from Ikea, or make your own top and buy legs from Ikea. Don't get a small desk, get something as big as will fit. I would not recommend the one in your post because it's tiny. Get one at least twice as deep, and preferably twice as wide. I would avoid once with shelves built in to their legs or hutches or raised areas.

Chair -> No real preferences, but unless you plan to drape that chair in blankets and use pillows and recline it back, I would get something a lot comfier. Remember sitting straight up is bad for you, you want 120 degree recline preferably. Having pillows etc help mold it and give you more support.

Misc -> The main ones are the Occulus Rift set to be released next year, which will make your monitor redundant. The other thing is a monitor mount, such as an Eragtron mount, to move your monitor in to a better position - mounts are far superior to the cheap shit manufacturers put on their monitors.

The sticky in computing subforum has a link to which has solid advice for building a computer.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Wow, Thanks!
I have a question though, can you get a nice in between of enthusiastic and extremist an have it under my budget?
I'd like to have more than 8 gigs of ram as well and I have zero computer building experience so I have no idea what I'm doing and I don't want to fuck things up and order parts that will overheat due to not getting something good enough for it and etc.
I'd like to build this computer as well not fuck it up ;o

I'd love it if someone could link me to some good tutorials and stuff cause I'm confused as fuck ;o,

And I'd like to here opinions on either liquid cooled or just a fan, which is better and what are some cons to both of them
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
Help Nathan pick out a desktop and stuff \:D/
Originally Posted by Natejas View Post
Thanks for the tips and I really like that monitor
I have a question that involves monitors too
Should I do dual monitors or no?
What are the pros and cons of dual monitors?

I've got duel monitors and I love them but...

Easier multitasking
Being an editor I use 1 for all the panels and the other for the main thingy.

Money money money

You don't need liquid cooling unless you're OCing

8 gigs is fineeeee for any gaming.

What Gorman linked is solid. I can't give much advice in the way of building but from experience. Don't drop your CPU on the pins.
Last edited by Complexity; Jan 2, 2014 at 08:22 PM.
Originally Posted by Dupbuck View Post
I can't give much advice in the way of building but from experience. Don't drop your CPU on the pins.

Oh yes, CPU is possibly the most risky part of the build:
  • Make sure you put it in the right way - it should have a little indicator on one corner that lines up with a similar one on the socket - if you have to exert force to move the lever down, DON'T - it's in the wrong way!
  • Pick it out of the case by pinching the sides. Lower it into the socket the same way
  • If you have to apply thermal paste (shouldn't have to on the stock fan, but it doesn't hurt to check) just put a tiny grain of rice-sized dab in the middle and then seat the heatsink on top of it - the pressure will ensure more or less maximal coverage. You don't want the thing gunked up and drowning in the stuff.
  • The heatsink should be easy enough to apply unless you're getting an aftermarket (i.e. not one that came with the CPU) one, in which case there might be some nonsense having to disassemble the current "rack" and install a new one like I had to do. Can't be much help here, every heatsink is different. Follow the instructions for your board and you'll be fine.
  • Last but not least - you will have an easier time putting stuff on the motherboard outside of the case - CPU, RAM, Heatsink. GPU goes in later.

Also about motherboards - you don't want to put them anywhere they don't need to be. Place it on top of its box or the anti-static bag it came in when assembling.
Last edited by 4zb41; Jan 2, 2014 at 10:04 PM.
Would this fan ( Make a good repalcement for Lane's liquid cooler?
And Lane can you give me links to ll the things you've listed because I'll probably go with what you've listed and then upgrade as I go along

And if I do build Lane's PC about what FPS would I be getting on a game like DayZ or Battlefield 4?
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
The PCPartpicker link should give you links do everything I listed in the build.

Also, since people have listed keyboards that aren't mechanical and you're probably considering them, please go with a mechanical keyboard. They're more expensive but extremely worth it in terms of quality and performance.

Also, you won't need more than 8 gigs of RAM. 8 gigs is more than enough for anything you'll ever need, and if you find a rare situation where you need more it's easily upgradable, since the mobo I listed should be able to do so.
Last edited by Lane; Jan 3, 2014 at 04:25 AM.