Re: [Fluff] ; Behind the Ragdolls (intro thread)
You are all invited to join the United Clans:

We Welcome all additions to this grand union of clans. and we think we could benefit from your unique talents.

Thank-you: [PF][UC]Sieg_Wahrheit
Re: [Fluff] ; Behind the Ragdolls (intro thread)
ElSteve = against joinig UC (fun beating upon other clans)

we dont need nosupport methinks
Re: [Fluff] ; Behind the Ragdolls (intro thread)
Merging fluff with the sand of bottom in the ocean makes fluff dirty.
What what? In the butt.
Re: [Fluff] ; Behind the Ragdolls (intro thread)
Foxie speaks wisely.

And... Sieg... you forgot something important about the Law of Existence.

For an object, concept, or understanding to exist, it requires a negative version of itself. For every good there is an evil. For every dark, a light, and for every Waffle, a Muffin.

The UC cannot exist without opposition, and if you intend to make everyone an ally, there is no purpose.
Re: [Fluff] ; Behind the Ragdolls (intro thread)
hay I'm trying to improve the community no need to have a go at me or anything.
Re: [Fluff] ; Behind the Ragdolls (intro thread)
Not trying to.

However, you do have to admit, it's like saying "I plan to unite all the countries, and call our great union "Earth"."
Re: [Fluff] ; Behind the Ragdolls (intro thread)
i don't want all of them, i invited them all cus i knew a lot of them would decline... the ones that decline i watch for a while, i watch rivals build and then we have some big fights =P

fore thought you see ;)
Re: [Fluff] ; Behind the Ragdolls (intro thread)
lol... or you just say "It's turning out this way instead, but I can just tell everyone I planned it like that"

(for the record, I believe you, just had to make the point)