256 body, 512 head, if your art is made excellently, honestly you can't really tell the difference until you zoom in :P
Big genital guy hmu ladies
Originally Posted by Dad View Post
U can dl lp me.
i have full 256 with 512 head,but after half hour so i can put a set on.

I can only see black background on your 256 textures :<
Here is my cartoon set the one on the left is my right leg in 256 and the right picture is my right leg in 512. Like I said when it comes to cartoon it makes nearly no difference, just the text is a bit blurred.


Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
Well it depends on the detail of your set , if it is as clean as simple as mine 256 will do.
For more complex and highly detailed designs i suggest you buy full 512.
As I can see the difference between that legs isn't so big. I think I'll go full 256 + 512 head. Thank you all for your time and help ^^
I really think that 128 tops both of them, they are affordable and I really do not see the difference.
512 is better in every way.
no matter how simple your set.
my set is basically just 1 solid colour shape on a background and i cant stand it in 128.
simple sets need sharp defined lines, and 128 blurs those lines slightly.
a good artist can still make it look good, but it will always be better in 512
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Basically what Ben said.

If you want quality then price is meaningless, if you want to be more economical and have just decent quality then 256 is good for you. I would, however, pick 512 over 256 any day.