Teacher rages @ a boy(very disobedient, always doesnt do jacksh/t) for 'forgetting his book', lectures for about 5 minutes really loudly holding up the class when he suddenly says "but i have my book..." ... Teacher was like (Turns out he actually didn't.)
My bestfriend sent a love message to the girl he like. But he sent it to me by accident, it says pretty much like:
I watched your pretty eyes everyday
You got a bright beautiful eye
I always loved you
Will you be mine?

Haha, I laughed so hard. Lol
Well let's see now... Me and my class were in Prague (capital city of the Czech Republic) for some school thingmabob. We were staying there for 5 days. Several funny/sucky things happened there, but i'll give you the the best ones.

NUMBER ONE: We were all sitting in a bar, most people having a beer. One of us got utterly wasted on absinthe, which resulted in numerous hilarious situations that day. First, he suddenly walked outside the bar and looked at the dark sky ('twas evening). When someone pulled him back in and asked what he was doing, he said that he "was looking for the second star to the right". Everyone nearly suffocated laughing, perhaps aided by the alcohol.
Next situation with his drunkenness was when we were in a restaurant to eat and such. He was staring intensely at one of the napkins, after which he exclaimed "some holes are missing on this napkin!" in an insulted manner. He went to complain about it, but he was stopped before doing so, but we still got to nearly suffocate laughing once again.
Last thing was back in our room (me and three others' room), where people decided to party and such. Out of the maybe 15 persons, there were only one or two who were sober. Even I got ever so slightly tipsy, but that's not the fun part. You know that superdrunk guy? I basically had to babysit him to avoid him dying from alcohol consumption. He also started doing drunken tango with another guy in my class, as well as randomly picking up a bottle of vodka and going "LONG LIVE VODKA."


I won't forget that day any time soon. Next story is what you'd call a chain of seriously fucking unfortunate events. So, we were going home from Prague. The tour to the airport went seamlessly, and we departed on time. However, as soon as we arrived in Copenhagen, everything went downhill. We got to the train station, and as the first hurdle, we had to find our train, which wasn't easy. After waiting some time, that train got cancelled, and we had to take another one, which also contained passengers from another cancelled train. Then they're like "whoops something's wrong with the doors guys you better find another train then" and so we did. The delay had reached an hour by now. So now we're riding in the train, woot. Oh snap, someone just got run over by a train in front of ours, so we have to stop here in Odense. "Don't worry guise we will provide busses." But noooooo, busses never arrived. So here we're waiting around in Odense for a new train. An hour passes just standing around and listening to random announcements. Then we start floundering about after a train, which takes another hour. Everyone is getting really frustrated by now, and our hopes of getting home soon were being crushed one by one as any potential trains just drive right past us. FINALLY we find a train with very very little space, so we had to change trains along the way. On the last train, we got some pretty comfy seats, and at least the conductors didn't bother us due to the recent events. When i get home, the time is around midnight, which is approximately four hours later than anticipated. And to top it all off, when i got home and wanted to show the people the laser i bought in Prague... Tadaa! You've just had your laser and money stolen in the Prague airport by thieving employees! Activate ragemode: Y/N?


I managed to curse and yell to much that i got hoarse in 15 minutes. I don't trust airports any more, and i don't trust trains any more. :U
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
So, I was in Physical Education, I was running then stepped on my on shoes....After that I tripped of course, and fell on my classmates. It was ugly....ehu...
Originally Posted by JorreI14 View Post
when my classmate(that I hate) had menstruation in the classroom.

That shit is rough.
the worst thing happened to me when my girlfriend slap me in front of the world !!!!xD
but the funniest that when she slaped me she fell down in front of the whole world !!! hahahaha

Posts merged, use the edit button. ~Fee
Last edited by Fee; Apr 28, 2010 at 09:52 PM.
A few years ago in school my history teachers enters the class to talk with the english teacher.
My desk mate leans over and wispers: "I know what they're saying.
The history teacher came over to invite the english one for a threesome blowjob"

And imediately as his sentence ends the english teachers says loudly " OH GOD NO! "

We couldn't stop laughing for the whole rest of the class.

Turns out the history teacher wanted to excuse some students for a few lessons before the history olimpics and the english teacher didn't want to excuse them as the lesson was important.
when a bully got lock on the room because the handle is broken.and after he saw me laughing he lock me up in the comfort room :P
Got Cra..i mean uh...Cranberries?
Can't recall the funniest moment, but I once had a teacher explain to us (The class.) about the significance of the political Tea-Party party. Except the teacher mistook the name for "The Tea-Bag party" while she was explaining it, for the entire period.
