Originally Posted by Warcry View Post
And before.
He was the one who made the robbing script. He nuked the PT in one night, getting rid of the single fucking thing that keeps bringing in new people, namely PROMOTING. GET IT.




Fucking christ.

God damn I love you.

Now ive got my Anti-Veb outta the way, your completely right war, and whats worse, NutHug, Rutz, Gman etc. have all left BECAUSE PT was what they had here, and veb being a selfish, close-minded fool deleted it,

oh, and veb, im not disrespecting you, your a cool guy, but at least have some dignity, grow some balls, and TELL the next team you delete before it happens

EVERYTHING is going to go to shit now! Its not like there was no promo team for years or anything! What will we do without...oh wait, we still have events. Um, but now we dont have any new...oh yeah, too many new colors sucks ass because the game gets flooded with worthless shades of the same damn thing...

I really dont see why the hell everyone is being so damned emotional about this. Have any of you stopped to think that maybe there are other reasons for gman leaving? Also, no offense to PT, but a good percent of PT members did absolutely nothing once they had been on the team for a while. People had purple names just to have them, and that's not what PT was for.

Also, the robbing thing drained the forum economy to a sustainable level. Shit had gotten out of hand, and something had to be done, so something moderately enjoyable was made to fix the problem.

Calm the hell down.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
There are events?The only event that is respected is the one with hampa.All the others quit the events,making us lose our time.In-game events?Haven't seen something different than tournaments yet..
Life is just a fantasy.Gaming is the new reality

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Originally Posted by Bilza View Post

Now ive got my Anti-Veb outta the way, your completely right war, and whats worse, NutHug, Rutz, Gman etc. have all left BECAUSE PT was what they had here, and veb being a selfish, close-minded fool deleted it,

oh, and veb, im not disrespecting you, your a cool guy, but at least have some dignity, grow some balls, and TELL the next team you delete before it happens

Keep your biased, non-informed opinions to yourself and stop whining already. Take your own advice and grow a pair. Also, you people working against the system won't help Toribash. If you really gave a shit about Nabi and Toribash, you'd throw your own selfish needs aside and try to move forward rather than baw about not getting huge amounts of shit every month for doing nothing. That is exactly what went wrong with PT. Greed and laziness.

But seriously, stop spreading lies, it's unnecessary and destructive.

|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [] [Quit:]
What Dalir said.

You guys need to watch what you're saying. Get informed before you go around spouting bullshit like this. Gman LEFT. We can't do jack shit about that, we're making lemonade with lemons, here. I'm seriously getting sick and tired of people bitching about how veb is a dipshit, and how we're all screwed. Please. Shut the fuck up.

The next thread I see derailed by people complaining about how things are going lately will not end with a verbal warning like this one has.