wow nice mod idk why but it looks like vector
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar
oh nice! I finally see someone getting to the yellow ball, I must say that the table didnt look that big for me when I made it xd
Looks pretty Kewl, Would suggest adding more unique obstacles, i've seen a ton of mods like this, what separates a mod maker from another mod maker is their ability to create never before seen environments. Looks good, but sadly I've seen mods like this, next time, work on adding more unique structures or obstacles and truly express your style of modmaking

Just saw the second WIP, took the words right out of my mouth. Good job with the addition of obstacles. Haha

But one thing i see that could be improved, is the random blocks everywhere, when you make a building, vision realism, and what would actually be on a rooftop, add small details that would make those "random" blocks more clear. Not just random stuff thrown out to climb upon.

Good Job on what you did though.
Last edited by matarika; Aug 26, 2015 at 04:12 AM.
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