Is there no way for you to do your work at school? Have you tried talking to your teachers?
collect snots from the nose
Originally Posted by PsyTrance View Post
It's because you are to young to realize that school is important. Your young mind tells you there are more interesting things rather than succeeding in school.

What I do not understand, is you see that there is a problem and yet you do nothing about it.

You act like the game forces you to play it. You notice the thoughts and do nothing to prevent the situation.

There is nothing to help you with. You are simply not mentally strong enough to prioritize the tasks at hand. You will grow over time, unless you push your self to realize that you can control your actions simply by realizing you want to play the game and then not doing it.

Thanks for the answer, but this problem is in the moment. I really do appreciate this though.
Originally Posted by cat View Post
Have you tried setting up a schedule? I think there are programs that lock you out of your computer for certain hours, you can use that to make sure you study/do any work you have to

If you need somebody to talk to about depression or anything like it, shoot me a pm

I used to be the same way but now I can't play videogames, they are so uninteresting to me that I can only play for short periods of time before I have to do something else

You sound like you have a severe lack of motivation, have you considered asking to see a psychiatrist/therapist?

I hadn't thought about that. I'll see if my parents will let me see one.

Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
Maybe uninstall all your games.

Take regular breaks, set goals "just this set then play 1 match", schedule.

I've tried the "just play 1 match thing" but I can't bring myself to stop after that.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Unplug your computer until you finish your homework.

Don't you fucking dare to plug it in until your homework is done.

I have to do my work on the computer. We rarely get assigned worksheets.
Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
Is there no way for you to do your work at school? Have you tried talking to your teachers?

My in school schedule is pretty busy, and I only have about 20 minutes of freetime in shcool to get started.
Originally Posted by Konakya View Post
work at school

work where theres not distractions

Read my response to Ele, thanks.

Thanks guys, I really appreciate all the help. Cat, I might take some of your suggestions, thank you very much.
try punishing yourself whenever you go to play a game
like shove your hand in a mousetrap every time you do something unrelated to work until you're done

i used to have this problem when I was in 8th grade and now i barely ever play games, i only use my laptop for websites and work. im in university now and got a band 6 (top 10% of the state) in mathematics for my entry exams - it works
Maybe try working in smaller, more concentrated periods. I realize this isn't really your problem but it might help if work feels more satisfying than computer games.
I would recommend physical excerzise and meditation for dicipline. Do some jogging and/or meditate for 20 minutes/1 hour a day. I think excersize really helps with energy, if I don't have the energy to practice i try working out instead. I think especially condition excerzise helps, but I do both. This might sound counterproductive, but it's very rewarding to do long-term because of various positive cognitive effects including memory, and it should help with dicipline to get out and do something. Try running 3 times a week. Or walking.
Physical excersize also gives you the same effects as anti-depressives, which is why people get better after excercizing long term. Some psychiatrists recommend antidepressives and excersize simultaneously because excersize helps with depression long-term and antidepressives helps in short term with depression, which can enable you to actually do the excersize.
Also, try finding other things to do, like painting or whatever.

Another good rule is to really push yourself to start doing something. If you don't feel it after 5 minutes then stop and do something else (relax and try again at another time). Listen to your body

I think Surfing's advice could either get you motivated or get you into eating disorders (a lot of them start because of people trying to punish themselves). I don't believe in trying to punish yourself. Think it's more effective to make work fun and productive than to do that. It's up to you though.

This is coming from someone who is trying to get productive work done 3-4 hours a day + school. Used to be a computer addict, now I don't care so much. I like to think I have some insight but everything's really individual, and I think computer dependence fades with age.
Last edited by Lazors; Oct 23, 2016 at 03:10 PM.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
There's a free program available online that allows you to notify you've been on a website for a certain amount of time so that you know that you should get back to work and stuff, it also lists everything you're on from most distractive to least distractive, and if you pay for the full version, you're able to set timers on website and after the time (let's say 15 minutes) is up, it'll ban/restrict you from browsing that website for however long you set it to be banned for, I think the minimum is 30-60 minutes though. I'll try find the name for you though if you'd like to know
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?
Originally Posted by eReckt View Post
My in school schedule is pretty busy, and I only have about 20 minutes of freetime in shcool to get started.

This isn't an excuse. You're looking at a massive time-sink that is your hobby (gaming). 20 minutes is 20 minutes, use it to schedule a meeting with one of your teachers to explain the situation and I'm sure you'll find the time somewhere. In every stage of my education I was always able to stay after school to complete work if I had to and on many occasions even when I didn't have to. Hell, that's what detentions are for, no?

Even so, so long as you're getting your work done to a passable standard that you're happy with... many would argue you don't have a problem to solve. If you're failing you have to decide what's more important to you: your current education or your gaming. I assume that if you choose the latter your parents will soon become interested in how long you spend on the computer when you're not legally considered a student.
collect snots from the nose
Originally Posted by cat View Post
Have you tried setting up a schedule? I think there are programs that lock you out of your computer for certain hours, you can use that to make sure you study/do any work you have to

If you need somebody to talk to about depression or anything like it, shoot me a pm

I used to be the same way but now I can't play videogames, they are so uninteresting to me that I can only play for short periods of time before I have to do something else

You sound like you have a severe lack of motivation, have you considered asking to see a psychiatrist/therapist?

I had the same problem as you (hence username) and the schedule approach as mentioned above seems to work the best in my experience.
What I did is set up an airtight schedule with everything I had to do in it. When I had breaks I didn't allow myself to do anything online, I went outside and walked around a bit. It gets easier once you've been doing it for about a week.

Hot tip: Only ever play a game or browse the internet after you have completed all the work sessions in your schedule. If you "just go online for 10 minutes" you will probably stay online for a whole afternoon(in my experience)
Reckless is just FC but slightly better.~ Coine, 08/11/2016