Endurance Onslaught 6.0
i think i can get it covered mostly maybe kj if you do the research then that would be a good help and i would split the profits 50 50
ima crusin for a bruisn
Ok now I have to go stare at peoples XD also send me what you got every now and then ok
SFST Sub Leader and now the SFST Shop keeper.
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Chapter 2 Part 1

Jab and Buya had just got to the Great to see Lazer running in with Gamer in his arms. All of them ran to the medic center, which was in the back of the tree. "Guys go sign us up." Lazer said. Jab and Buya did as he said. "What do you think happened?" Buya asked Jab. "I don't know," said Jab as they walked up to the clerk. "but they must have ran into something or someone." "Can I help you?" The clerk asked while getting some papers. "Yes we would like to enter the Grand Fight. Are team name will be Judo Kings." Jab said to the clerk as Buya walked out into the main lobby to see if there was any items for sale. "And the name of the fighters?" "Jab the frog, Gamer the monkey, Buya the golden eagle, and Andrew the salamander." "OK we will throw you in the pre fight roster, these will knock out all but four teams. If one person lose the team is removed from all stages no matter what is happening. There are sixteen different pre fight stages. Look in two days for the rosters of the fighters in what sever." "Have a nice day, thatnk you." Jab said as he was walking to the medic center. "Buya come on it's time to... Buya?" Buya was lost

Chapter 2 Part 2

"Where am I?" Gamer woke up in a bed and no one was around to answer him. He tryed to sit up but he felt a great pain in his head so he went back to sleep. Soon he heard footsteps at the door. "OK he's in here I'll do this myself. Did you get the bird?" Boomed one of the voices at the door. "Wait bird?" Gamer said to himself. "Yeah we got him." Said the other voice. After some more footsteps Gamer heard a clawing at the door. "Open the door, Gamer." The voice said outside. Soon Gamer ran to the door and he opened it and ran as fast as he could back to the bed. A few moments passed and Lazer walked in. "Thank you." Said Lazer. "Oh thank you... I thought you were someone else, Lazer." "Heheheh but I am silly monkey." Slowly Lazer turned into a wolf. After about 30 seconds be had became Zygriuxxx, leader of Hunters. He rushed up to Gamer with his claws out. "With you out of the way no one can stop us from getting the grand prize." The claws slowly dug into Gamer. Then Gamer woke up.

Chapter 2 Part 3

*Note from now on anthing in [] is a repeat of what I've said before.*

[Buya and Jab had just got to the Great to see Lazer running in with Gamer in his arms. All of them ran to the medic center, which was in the back of the tree. "Guys go sign us up." Lazer said. Buya and Jab did as he said. "What do you think happened?" Buya asked Jab. "I don't know," said Jab as they walked up to the clerk, "but they must have ran into something or someone." "Can I help you?" The clerk asked while getting some papers.] Buya saw Jab could take care of this so he walked off to go look at the items for sale. He walked into a small youshop that had a few items one of them being a motion rail that one of his best member, in clan SFST, had wanted. He walked up to the clerk and said he'd like a motion trail for the right leg. "I have all kinds of those. Orc, Aqua, Nox., and more." Said the clerk. "How much for the Nox.?" Buya asked. "Sixteen thousnad credits." Said the clerk with a sly smile. "OK I'll take it." Buya said as he handed the credits over. The clerk went to the back and got the trail. After a few minutes he come back and handed it to buya. Buya walked out and over to the transfer area and sent the trail to kjhg53. A group of bears walked over to Buya, knocked him out, and walked off with him.

Chapter 2 Part 4

[Lazer ran up to the Great Tree with Gamer in hihands. He saw Jab and Buya and yelled at them to sign them up.] As he's walking to the medic area he see's a group of bears walk into a small youshop. Lazer soon makes his way over to the medic area and calls a nurse and tells her what happened to Gamer and askes for a room. "Right away." She says and they both run off to a room. She unlocks it and Lazer sets Gamer down in the bed. "Will you be staying with him?" The nurse asked while getting Gamer some meds. "Yes but I most talk to my friends first." Lazer then walks out of the room and heads to the loby. He sees Jab running around like cray so he goes up to him. "Jab what's the matter? Lazer asked his friend. "Andrew, BUYA'S GONE! He left to go get something and now he's missing!" Jab yelled. "Did you see what shop he entered?" Jab pointed at a small youshop that Lazer remembered. It was the same shop that the bears walked into. "Those bears. Alpha has him!" Lazer said. The two ran off foret about Gamer who was still wanted dead by a pack of wolves.

SFST Sub Leader and now the SFST Shop keeper.
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The entire story so far is great i went to the other forums to read it and if i didn't cum on buyas story i sure as hell came to yours
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
Want to join Vampire?
Chapter Three Part One

Jab walked into the Alpha building which is half a mile from the Great Tree. As he walked in a bear gave him a weird look, but he made is way to the front desk. "Hello can I do anything for you?" Asked the bear. "Hello can I please talk with you clan leader?" Asked Jab. "I'm sorry but he's not in at the moment but I can answer your question." "Yes I would like to know if your clan had someone in the Grand Fihgt. And can you please tell me the clans of the other membes." "Yes of course, the other clans are Tag, Hunters, and Mafia. Is that all I can do for you today?" Said the bear. "Umm I would also like to see your clan video and picture." The two walked out of the room and headed into another room. There the bear set up a clucky item and the video started. When it was done the two left to another room that had the clan picture. While Jab was looking at it he heard a load boom and then Lazer came running through with Buya in one of his hands.

Chapter 3 Part 2

"Oh you're awake." A nurse had walked in soon after Gamer woke up. "Is there anything I can get you?" Gamer though for a moment. "Yes is the one brought me here, here?" Gamer asked. "Oh I'm sorry sir but your friend, Andrew, is not here at this time. But I can get you food, if you want some. It looks as though you are hungry." "Yes please, that would be very nice," The nurse left the room and Gamer was alone again. But after about 2.3 seconds the window broke open and lions and tigers came rushing in. "Joy," said Gamer with a smile," now all we need is a few bears." Gamer took a swing at one of the lions and the lion came to the ground hard. Gamer then stompped on his chest, breaking it. A tiger and lion rushed him but he kicked one in the face and the other one was tripped. One more tiger rushed him and Gamer snapped his neck. "CCCrrrr-ACK!" "Come on now you guys are better then this." The rest of them rushed him and knocked him out. They the dragged him out of the window to one of the clan's bases. "Oh my..." The nurse had walked in and dropped the tray of food that was for Gamer at the sight of the lions and tigers dead on the ground.

Chapter 3 Part 3

"... What... Where am I?" Buya had woke up tied to a chair in a poorly lighted room. A shadow moved and there was a faint smell in the air. "Come on out I know you're out there." A bear moved into the light and Buya saw his red scarf in his hands. "What do you want with that?" Said Buya making the bear laugh. "If I told you I'd have to kill you, but we don't want you dead. In fact we'd like to keep you alive for the time being." Buya spat at the bears feet. "You really think I'm just going to stay here? Hell no, my friends are going to be here very soon." "Says the one who is easy to knock out." Buya started to grin at the bear. "Says the pansy that knocked out someone for a scarf." At this point the bear was inraged to the point you could see the fire in his eyes.. "OK ENOUGH!" The bear called for someone to knock out Buya. "So what you can't knock out someone your self?" Just then the wall blasted open and Buya was untied and in 2.3 seconds he ws flying through the walls of the building he was trapped in.

Chapter 3 Part 4 Section 1

Lazer watched as Jab walked into the Alpha base. He had almost forgot to tell Jab all about what had happen to Gamer and to tell him to ask about the clans Alpha and Hunters was teamed up with. Once a good amount of time had pasted Lazer went to one of the walls and blasted in down. He walked into a room full of bears. "Oh joy..." Lazer grabbed one of the bears and threw him at another one. One tried to claw at Lazer ,but Lazer ducked and, while on his hands, he sweeped a few off thier feet. Another one tried to bite him and Lazer snapped his neck. He saw a few try to run for the door, but Lazer fired off a blast of discharge at them. Each one got a shock and fell to the ground. Lazer was left standing in a room full of bears half dead. So he walked out of the room and and opened a door to another. "Buya, you in there?" A few bears looked at him weird and he closed it. he walked up to another and opened it. "Buya, you in... oh snap." The big wolf he had beat the shiznibs out of before was in there. "well it's nice seeing you again today." Lazer ran up to him and snapped his neck, then went back to looking through doors.

*Side Note* These first three chapters have happen in one day so far.

Chapter 3 Part 4 Section 2

Sfter he looked through some more doors Lazer thought that Buya wasn't on this level of the base. "Well if he's not here and there's no up... I must go down!" We powered up to his super form and blasted through another wall. Then he blasted through the ground till he was a good 50 feet under the base. Then he blasted through more dirt but this time to the base. He broke through the wall and saw Buya. In about 2.3 seconds he untied Buya and was back in the halls of the base. He went through another wall and saw Jab and yelled at him. "Come on Jab let's go." The three of them ran back to the Great Tree.. Lazer took a look back at and saw the base was up in flames. "My scarf..." "What about it?" "They got it... that's what they wanted..." "Kjhg53 can get you another one now come on!" "Now wait a second, Andrew what did you do to their base?" Jab yelled at Lazer. "Ummm... blasted through their walls and beat up a few bears." Jab did a facepalm. The trio ran into the medic area of the Great Tree and the nurse that help Lazer stopped them. "Mr. Andrew... your friend is missing." "What!" Lazer was shocked. "Andrew we'll get him, but not today. It's late and we need to sleep." Jab said. "OK then we can stay at my clans base... it's not that far." Said Buya and the team was off as they walked into the sunset off to the SFST clan base.

End of Chapter 3.
SFST Sub Leader and now the SFST Shop keeper.
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Chapter 4 Part 1 Section 1

"OK Andrew you check out Tag, Buya you stay hrer, and I'll check out Mafia." Said Jab while ate his breakfast. "Blakie777 can you tell Masterj05h I want to have with word with him?" Asked Buya to one of his clan mates. "What I still think is funny is that we are fighting a bunch of lions and tigers and bears." Lazer started to crack up at his own joke. "Well if nothing important is happening then I'll be on my way." Jab left the base and started to walk down a dirt road As he walked he began to think over the last day. 'Four clans are hunting us down. They took Buya's scarf and nothing else. Something tells me this is more than for some stupid fight..' He thought to himself. He heard a another low grow like the one he heard from the day before. This time though a wolf popped out. "Where's the salamander?" The wolf asked with a bit of demaned. "Oh come on now. I don't think you can just walk up to someone and ask them where someone is like that. And which one do you mean?" "Don't play stupid, where's Lazer?" "Beats me." Jab had picked up a snowball and threw it at the tree above the wolf. Some of the ice on it fell down and knocked out the wolf. Jab started to walk to Mafia's base once more.

Chapter 4 Part 1 Section 2

Jab studyed the base and the numbers of tigers going in and out. "Well if they are working just like Alpha then he's going to be in the basement." A large bell rang and all of the tigers walked out of the base and off to a feild, as for it was their training time. Jab walked inside of their base and looked around in it. Inside he saw that it was small and there was three doors leading outside. The base was not made to house the clan like others, but there was a few tables and one had a piece of paper sitting on it. The paper read:

'Get the frog and take his wrist strap. Then give it to me. We will then start to look for the seven jewels that will power it.'

Jab looked out the other doors, which just went outside. A tiger walked in and saw Jab. "What the...! So you're just going to come to us?" Jab was a little confused by what he said, but then he remembered the paper. The next few moments here jsut a haze fir Jab. He put on his wrist strap, fired a cups amount of water and the charging tiger, got tripped, and ran off. When we was about 500 yards from the base he looked down at his wrist and saw his wrist strap was missing.

Chapter 4 Part 2 *Note there will be some cheese rip offs from the Dark Knight*

Gamer woke up in a chair. A few lions were watching him and one of them walked up to him. The lion clawed Gamer in the arm and a patch of fur fell down. The lion picked it up and walked off. Another lion, a bigger one and with a scar on his check, walked up to Gamer. "Why so serious?" Said the lion. "What? What the hell do you want with me?" "We already got what we wanted. Know we want to know how much you know." Said the lion with an largely evil grin. "Well, I've spent the last day in a medic room asleep, I don't know a thing." "Why so serious? Let's put a smile on that face!" The lion said as he pulled out one of his claws and slowly inching it to Gamer's face. When the claw was almost touching his face, one of Gamer's hands bursted into flames, burnning out of the rope, and grabbed the lion's hand. The lion gaspped as his hand started to burn. "You got some spunk in you. I like that." "Then you're going to love me." Lazer said while throwing a fist at the lion.
SFST Sub Leader and now the SFST Shop keeper.
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Chapter 4 Part 3 Section 1

["OK Andrew you check out Tag, Buya you stay here, and I'll check out Mafia." Said Jab while ate his breakfast. "Blakie777 can you tell Masterj05h I want to have with word with him?" Asked Buya to one of his clan mates. "What I still think is funny is that we are fighting a bunch of lions and tigers and bears." Lazer started to crack up at his own joke. "Well if nothing important is happening then I'll be on my way."] After Jab left Lazer headed for the door. "Well I might as well go aslo. Tell kj hi for me." "Alright I will." Said Buya as his friend left. A wolf entered the room. "You wanted to see me. What's this about?" He said as he sat down in one of the chairs. "What are your plans for the Grand Fight? I'm not going to be here and I'd like it if you and kj run the clan. Kj's running the shop so I need you to watch the base." Said Buya to the wolf. "Well I was going to enter. I could use the exrta credits if I get that far in." Said the wolf to his clan leader. "Masterj05h, it's OK. i know where you're coming from. I'll just get Neon." Masterj05h took a sigh and then they both walked out and into another room where the clan was training. "Where's kj?" Asked Buya. "Oh he's down at the Great Tree look at his mail and working on the shop. Remember he does this every moring? Come on let's train. Judo or Wushu?" Buya though for a moment as he walked on to the training feild. Judo was what he said.

Chapter 4 Part 3 Section 2

"Alright, the rules are the following. Grabbing is ok. There will be dq, but sumo is in effect. You will start at the 100 marker and your time limit is 1000. no credits will be earned for a win. Alright GO!" Buya shifted his wing, so it rammed Masterj05h's neck and kicked at his chest. Masterj05h tryed to punch at Buya's wing with one arm and then blocked the kick with the other. The rest of the clan just watched, not saying a word. With his free wing, Buya sliced upwards at masterj05h's arms. Masterj05h got knocked back but grabs Buya's leg. Buya did a 180 and kicked with his other leg. Masterj05h tried to claw at Buya but missed. Buya slamed his wings on Masterj05h and then they both started to fall. Masterj05h tried to hold them both up with one arm but his elbow gave in and he slams on the ground. "Alright Masterj05h sit down. nice job buya only 340 frames." "Hey thanks Striker3, but i'm done." buya stepped down from the training area." Neon, can i speak with you?" "Hey sure Buya what is it?" A hedgehog ran over to him. "Can you watched the base while I'm at the Grand Fight?" Neon looked at him weird. "Well of course I can. You know I will, I am the co-leader after al." Buya took a sigh of releaf. As Buya walked out of the training room he heard Zez say something to Masterj05h. "Zez, shut it. I bet you can't even last 100 frames aganst Buya or even kj."

Chapter 4 Part 4 Section 1

[After Jab left Lazer headed for the door. "Well I might as well go aslo. Tell kj hi for me." "Alright I will." Said Buya as Lazer left.] Lazer closed the door and started down the dirt road. He started off and saw his breath in the air. "It's too cool for me..." He said to himself as he past a clan base he knew and loved. "Scream..." Lazer had left the clan a while ago to unlock his true self and almost anyone you asked knew hehad left. He just never got back into the clan, but why though? Even himself didn't know the answer to that one. Lazer stopped for a second and looked into the window. He saw Inu, a fox that was one of the co-leaders to the clan, and Shadowboy, a beaver that was one of the older ones in the clan. Not because of his "rank" but of how long he had been in it. The two were talking and so Lazer took the turn that went to Tag's base. When he got there, Lazer, walked through a back door that was left open and he heard some voices talking. Soon he saw a fire start and he knew Gamer was in that room. He walked in as snecky as he could as one of the lions said someting. "You got sponk. I like that." "Then you're going to love me." Said Lazer while throwing a punch at the guy. "About time you showed up" Gamer said. "Yeah yeah. Come on." Lazer told him.
SFST Sub Leader and now the SFST Shop keeper.
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