Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Heya, I'm Currehzor, well Curry for short, I'm 15 and live in Western Australia. Because of that I don't see you guys too much because my timezone is so different but I might cyas on the weekend every now and then. I started playing toribash about a month or two ago I think, and now I love it and play it as well as counterstrike source with my mates

as for real life, I play field hockey and love it
Wait there's an intro thread, Buyakia you little prick you never told me that. Well my name is Ryuke (lovingly stolen from death note), I AM A GOOOOOOOOOON. (scary huh) I'm a R.L. friend of Buy and rather angry most of the time. I listen to a lot of comedy and I have 3 mel brooks films memorized line for line, I have at least 3 hours of stand up comedy memorized from George Carlin, Robin Williams and Eddie Izzard. I'm a bit of an ass and I hate it when people beg in online games, I ****ING HATE IT!! Right now I'm running a small fever but I'm more lucid than I've been in a long time. In RL I do . . . . . shit. I don't do anything, well does acting count? I play an inordinate amount of video games, because I'm never allowed to leave the house, something about fire and willful negligence and potential legal action . . . . Anyway! I have a steam account and if any of yall want your asses kicked in TF2 I will happily oblige.
Yo my game tag is masterj05h my real name is josh.. *umm no shit*, im a proud stoner. im 14, live in florida man i love the beaches and i love the bikini that goes with the beaches even more.iv got a steam account Masterj05h add me ryuke. umm whatelse? err i get mad easy . and iounno did i say im a stoner yet? wait is this for real? ... wtf.... WHERE AM I
Last edited by Masterj05h; Dec 20, 2008 at 11:56 PM.
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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hello everyone, my gamer tag is blakie777. I am 15, i love to dirtbike and hang out with my friends. I play TB every day and i am on the forums as much as possible. Masterj05h helped me get into SFST and was tested by kj and i will hopefully be aproved by buyakia
U can see my face! omg omg stalker someone help meh omg youngbloods a fag omg omg someone help me argh!!!
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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The13ghost here. I'm 17 from Puerto Rico. Spanish is my main language in RL I'm a programmer, C++ is my thing... not that good but I'm decent lol plus the lead guitarist for 2 bands My Romance Massacre and Lack Of Reason(expect me to post a thread about a name change and demo songs up for download for Lack of Reason). Black Belt in toribash been playing for 2-3 months and I'm online more or less all the time im not doing something else like playing Combat Arms.
hey,I wasn't active,but i decide to be.
My name is Majid,but my tb name is Neon and from Iran(They can call me both).
I like to play Ping-pong,Football and other stuff.
& Linkin Park is Good

wanna fight? np xD
loyal co leader of SFST , xD
Last edited by buyakia; Dec 23, 2008 at 08:59 PM.
Hi all Im Gleb and my nick is gleb27 xD 27 coz i have BD on 27.04. Im 15 years old.Im from Latvia(near Russia and Lithuania xD). Im Judaist green belt, my main hobby is guitar.