Endurance Onslaught 6.0
thats not an answer X_X
In the Never Ending War Between Pirates And Ninjas, Ninjas Would Obviously Win, All Pirates Do Nowadays Is Illegality Download Movies Off the Internet And Shit
just so every one knows fogle hasent and wont be on al day, he's sick and his mother wont let him on cus he dident go to school
In the Never Ending War Between Pirates And Ninjas, Ninjas Would Obviously Win, All Pirates Do Nowadays Is Illegality Download Movies Off the Internet And Shit
i just got time to get on, but yah, im sick as hell. I hate the flu...

lol not really we had a minimum day X_X
In the Never Ending War Between Pirates And Ninjas, Ninjas Would Obviously Win, All Pirates Do Nowadays Is Illegality Download Movies Off the Internet And Shit
i will be the greatest tori SOMEDAY becuse I AM AHM
and then I WILL TAKE YOU DOWN muahahahahha 'X)
stop w/ the post spam!
In the Never Ending War Between Pirates And Ninjas, Ninjas Would Obviously Win, All Pirates Do Nowadays Is Illegality Download Movies Off the Internet And Shit