Endurance Onslaught 6.0
In-Game Name: ThePwnsaur
Belt/Qi: 25 and rising
Reference(s): Xenmas
Join Date: May 2008
GMT (TimeZone): -4
Preferred modes: Wushu / Aikido
Previous clans: None on this character
Why do you want to join: Because I want to be a part of the Pandora Experience!
Why should we let you join: Because I am a worthy companion to have, and I can bring skill to fights if needed.
Ban history: None on this character
Others: Nothing

I haven't made any replays with this character
BTW I'm Stickicide
Either stick with Sigma on your first account or leave and join us on your first account.
Make no mistake, we are quite happy to have you.
Last edited by Jim; Aug 16, 2009 at 02:31 PM.
well if you choose us you have my vote u had a exccelent grammar and well organized application
(>^-^)>(lick it) <.<(wtf?) *-*(uhh)*-*(lick wat?)
mess with the best die like the rest [pandora]
I understand where you are coming from, but Sigma doesn't allow alts into their clan. I can also understand if you don't want a yellow or orange belt, because it might look down upon your clan. I would like to be a part of this clan, with this character, in order to enjoy membership in Pandora, even if I can't wear the tag until a higher belt. I hope that this application in no way revokes my membership in Sigma, or should cause tensions between the two clans.

Thank you for your time.
Alright then, it's a yes from me. My only request is the you be really active on ThePwnsaur and belt up a bit.
Now you just wait to see what the others say.